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Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE): favorable ″bad″ antibodies for viral infections Image
✅Intrinsic ADE: the dark side of antibody-dependent enhancement during dengue infection

The risk of severe dengue disease occurs during secondary infection with a different virus serotype than the previous infection... Image
...this occurs due to ADE= "Subneutralizing antibodies against virus particles opsonize dengue virus entry by forming complexes immune".
There are 2 types ADE
1)extrinsic ADE 👉improves virus entry
2)intrinsic ADE 👉results in increased virus production through
Read 16 tweets
引用→世界的に何が起きているのだか、もう全然わからなくなってきていますが、日本では、以下のいくつか記事のように、「コロナ死者が #過去最大」となると同時に、

「それに対して、#マスコミ は圧倒的な沈黙を守り続けている」

・四川省 感染率 63.5%
> …四川省の感染率は 63.5%を超えており…
> …核酸や抗原が検出されなかったグループでも、発熱や咳などの COVID-19 の症状を示し…
Read 13 tweets
"Although I keep warning the world that ‘society will be caught by surprise’, it is difficult to imagine that our leading scientists and public health experts are not aware of the threat that viral immune escape is currently posing"

…… Image
"The number of adverse events and the number of case fatalities that we are seeing in association with \/axlnation will still be peanuts compared to what is going to happen as a result of the dramatic immune escape of this virus"…
"Geert Vanden Bossche’s Final, Dire Warning to the World"

interview with @delbigtree, May 2022

"The losses will be unprecedented."…
Read 62 tweets
Do mRNA vaccines induce antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)-causing antibodies also?

We know mRNA vaccines generate robust neutralizing Abs, but vaccines targeting the S-protein, the possible induction of ADE of infection is a concern. 1/
Recent reports have demonstrated that neutralizing #mAbs against S-protein can exhibit ADE activity in a limited window of Ab concentrations. These reports have demonstrated that some anti-S protein mAbs have the potential to induce ADE of infection. 2/
Several mechanisms leading to #ADE, which can be FcR-dependent but ACE2-independent, FcR-independent but ACE2-dependent, S-protein conformational change-dependent, or both FcR- and ACE2-dependent ADE. 3/ Image
Read 22 tweets
Read 177 tweets
Bravo @Dr_MacGyvrette @AnneliseBocquet pour ce cours condensé d'immunologie
J'ajouterai que la distinction officielle #ADCC/#ADE est destinée à cacher le rôle à double tranchant des anticorps: en fait c'est le même phénomène
Ce sera l'1 ou l'autre selon la balance des anticorps en fonction de l'épitope; certains épitopes neutralisants disparaissant avec l'évolution du virus et certains épitopes facilitants étant conservés (voir les travaux du Pr J Fantini)
Selon la cellule concernée par la phagocytose du complexe virus-Ac (ou virus-Ac-complément) ce sera bénéfique (macrophage) ou délétères (cellules non immunitaires)
Read 4 tweets
If you do want to read ONE paper/study this weekend, please go through this 🧵on an amazing work done by @BoytonRosemary @Daltmann10 & colleagues that has shaken the entire academic world! See the link👇 1/
When the process of developing new COVID19 vaccines started in 2020, the two threats to their success that most vaccine experts feared were: Antibody Driven Enhancement (ADE) and Original antigenic sin aka Antigenic Imprinting 2/…
Fortunately, the first immune phenomenon (#ADE) that had marred the reputation of one Dengue vaccine and few candidates ag RSV & others, is yet to be observed with current Covid vaccines. 3/
Read 21 tweets
Il prof. #Broccolo su #COVID19: "Chi ha il booster si sente più sicuro, rispetta poco le regole. Poi quando gli anticorpi sono molto alti ci può essere l'effetto #ADE" a #dimartedì su @La7tv. Segue un thread un po' lungo ma spero semplificativo. Daje! 1/n 🧵
Chiunque abbia delle basi di immunologia o ci lavori o che l'abbia studiata durante il percorso di studi prenderà le distanze da tali dichiarazioni fuorvianti e inesatte. 2/n
Miliardi di dosi somministrate ma anche davanti all’evidenza c’è ancora chi mette in discussione la sicurezza dei vaccini anti-COVID. Ma con pazienza riprendiamo in mano alcuni principi basilari di immunologia. 3/n
Read 16 tweets
01/ Vous voulez savoir :
- comment se protéger d’une #COVID sévère sans médicaments sur ordonnance ?
- pourquoi elle touche certaines personnes et pas d'autres ?
- ce qui cause les #EffetsSecondaires des #vaccins ?

#COVID_19 #covid19 #covid #coronavirus #vaccination

02/ Jean-Marc Sabatier (@SabatierJeanMa1), Directeur de Recherche au CNRS depuis 32 ans, PhD/HDR en Biochimie et Microbiologie, nous explique tout cela dans une vidéo ( dont je résume les 42 premières minutes dans ce #thread.
03/ Le virus #SARS-CoV-2 s’attaque au #SRA (le système rénine-angiotensine), un de nos systèmes de régulation les plus importants, responsable des fonctions autonomes rénales, pulmonaires, cardiovasculaires, de l’#immunité innée et du #microbiote intestinal.
Read 48 tweets
@Pmagazine #ADE
De burgers werden vanaf het begin BEDROGEN, het was een gekend risico waar het #EMA geen maatregelen trpf buiten testen op de beevolking. de eerste tekenen werden direct verdoezeld en eufemistisch #doorbraakinfecties genoemd!…
DIT 👇👇👇
@Pmagazine pag 135 van…
" VAED .. door verschillende mechanismen:
* waarbij de #immuunrespons is #niet_volledig_beschermend en daardoor een ontstekingsreactie van het lichaam geeft, gevolg van
van het type immuunrespons met specifieke typen T-cellen,
@Pmagazine * #onvoldoende_sterke_antilichamen aan om SARS-CoV-2-infectie te voorkomen van cellen of produceert #zwakke_antilichamen die zich daadwerkelijk BINDEN AAN HET VIRUS EN HET HELPEN OM GEMAKKELIJKER DE CELLEN BINNEN TE DRINGEN #TROJAN_HORSE EN DE #ZIEKTE_VERERGEREN "
Read 4 tweets
'Ogni volta che valuta una terapia (#vaccino): e' sicura? funziona? ne hai bisogno?'. (dottor.Zelenko)
Lo trovate qui se non lo rimuovono
Istoria Ministries Blog: Dr. Zelenko Speaks to Jerusalem Rabbinical Court…
Read 30 tweets
We zijn begonnen in de #raad020 De coronaindeling is voorbij. Na 1,5 jaar kan er weer normaal vergaderd worden. Welkom bij deze draad… Image
Meekijken kan ook op @SALTOamsterdam via deze link:
@SALTOamsterdam Advocaat Nazmi Türkol is geinstalleerd als raadslid voor D66. Stond ook op de lijst voor de Tweede Kamer en schuift misschien door als D66 terugkomt in Rutte IV. Türkol is ook actief voor D66 in Nieuw West. #raad020
Read 36 tweets
Officiële tabel van #sciensano op basis waarvan zowel #Jambon als #DeCroo de niet gevaccineerden de hospitalen zien vullen!
In deze officiële tabel overheerst
"Vaccinatiestatus_onbekend", hoe trek je op basis van zo´n vehikel zo´n conclusie?
@waukema @AIustitiae @KAnthonissen
Vanaf september 2021 zijn de ziekenhuizen PLOTS gestopt met de deelname ad ziekenhuissurveillance!!!
Waarom is dit , denkt u? #ADE?
De woorden "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" werden overal ter wereld simultaan gebruikt . Maar net zoals in België zijn de cijfers waarop deze uitspraak gebaseerd zijn heel MISLEIDEND!
In de US zijn deze cijfers van jan.'21 tem juni '21...…
Read 8 tweets
#Covid19 Vaccination: What do we have learned so far?

It is almost 9 months since the first Covid vaccine was injected to a UK national.

Let’s do a quick recap of the major ‘takeaways’ in next 25 tweets......................
1) Covid vaccines are highly effective against severe disease, hospitalization, & deaths in fully vaccinated individuals. Studies after studies from different countries in different continents with different vaccines have confirmed this fact…
2) Vaccines have only minimal impact on infection and transmission. They are not able to halt/prevent development of a new surge. The current Covid19 vaccines are effective in preventing symptomatic COVID19 disease but fail to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection…
Read 28 tweets
#Thread Les vaccins actuels [spike-vaccines], basés sur une forme modifiée de la protéine Spike du Coronavirus (et non sur le virus entier), pourraient empirer l’épidémie au lieu de la juguler, selon plusieurs études récentes. #ADE #DeltaPlus
Rappel : Après avoir été infecté par le SARS-CoV-2, l’organisme fabrique des anticorps contre le virus, notamment contre la protéine spike (qui permet au virus de se lier à l’organisme)

Spike est à la base des vaccins à ARN et des vaccins à adénovirus autorisés en UE et aux US.
Nos anticorps se répartissent en 3 catégories :

- Les anticorps qui n’ont aucun effet sur l’infection virale (anticorps neutres)

- Les anticorps qui bloquent l’infection virale (anticorps neutralisants)

- Les anticorps qui facilitent l’infection virale (anticorps facilitants)
Read 21 tweets
7/9/21: "CDC reports 'unprecedented' summer spike in respiratory virus"

7/26/21: "PHE has raised [] alarm after its surveillance programme, from samples taken by GPs & hospitals, found the positivity rate for #RSV had risen from 1.2%-8.9% in [] 5 weeks."…
Sept 9, 2020, Nature: "One potential hurdle for antibody-based #vaccines & #therapeutics is the risk of exacerbating #COVID19 severity via #ADE. ADE can increase the severity of multiple viral infections, including other respiratory viruses such as #RSV & measles." 👇
July 26, 2021: "Potential resurgence of respiratory syncytial virus in Canada"

"This may involve administering #RSV monoclonal antibody therapy in high-risk children off season, which is a major departure from standard practice."

Read 7 tweets
@werdendi Ko. sivu nyt myös arkistossa:
Tartuntatautirekisterin tilastotietokanta
@werdendi #Fimea @THLorg @STM_Uutiset @HUS_fi
Tartuntatautirekisterin tilastotietokanta: Raportointiryhmä 1,
#Covid19 - #koronavirus -infektiot: 2011/07 ja 2019/01.
- Miten ko. merkinnnät ovat syntyneet ja millä perusteella?…
THL CC BY 4.0. 2021, Kuutio 03.08.2021
@werdendi @THLorg @STM_Uutiset @HUS_fi #Taiwan #CDC varoitti #WHO'ta email -kirjeellä:
- 'at least seven atypical #pneumonia, not #SARS' -tapauksista December 31, 2019, mutta THL'ssä rekisteröitiin #Covid19 -tapaus 8v. 5kk. aiemmin, 2011/07.
Read 12 tweets
The Disregard of #InformedConsent and Echoes of Nuremberg Part 2 - “The Great Pivot” - Jab hesitancy is informed, literate, and sophisticated, but government agencies, officials, and politicos pushed false narratives - by @TraderStef 4 #CrushTheStreet #ADE… Image
I am moving "The Great Pivot & Echoes of Nuremberg Part 2" #InformedConsent2 (the thread from @RWMaloneMD's gracious RT ) to my acct original here. Replies were breaking apart/not keeping continuity under his RT. Chronology is now intact. Apology for move. Image
Here is a link to PART 1 of “The Disregard of Informed Consent & Echoes of Nuremberg” (is hash tagged as #InformedConsent). That thread's continuity is intact and extensive, from March 31 to Aug 3.
Read 178 tweets
#vaccins #ARNm & #dissensus : une longue vulgarisation de qualité ici sur leur mécanique, le risque de retranscription ADN et les précautions associées...
Jean-Yves Bilien interviewe le Dr Nawrocki qui débunke les mythes des jeunes médecins surs d'eux 😳…
#sûreté #vaccinale : Accrochez-vous 😳 en très gros, le Spike serait mortel à petit feu, car induisant des anticorps contre la cardiolipine, sorte de gardien cellulaire dont l'absence déclenche la mort cellulaire... 😱 sources en bas du thread ⏬ Qui veut un 💉 au spike?
#sureté #vaccinale : Nouvelle alerte sur le risque de maladies dégénératives induites par la #présence de Spike dans le cerveau 😱
Read 33 tweets
#ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) oder #Infektionsverstärkende Antikörper.

Ein Problem bei den #COVID19 #Impfstoffen?

Was ist das? Wurde es überprüft bei der Entwicklung der Impfstoffe? Und gibt es Hinweise, dass ADE ein Problem sein könnte?

Ein (langer) Thread
Eingangs: Sie sollen selbst entscheiden, ob Sie sich impfen lassen oder nicht. Sie sollen diese Entscheidung aber auf Basis wissenschaftlich fundierter Informationen treffen können.

Also, was ist ADE?
Nach Infektion / Impfung stellt der Körper spezifische Antikörper (Ak)...
gegen den fremden Eindringling her. Also zbsp im Falle der Impfung gegen das Spike Protein. Solche 'guten' Ak nennt man 'neutralisierende' Ak.
Soweit tiptop. Die Schützen vor Infektion/Krankheit.

ADE ist, wenn der Schuß nach hinten losgeht. Dann verschlimmern diese Ak...
Read 17 tweets
What is #ADE !

major goal of antibodies is to bind to the pathogen and prevent it from infecting, or entering, a cell. Antibodies that prevent entry into cells are called neutralizing antibodies. Many vaccines work by inducing neutralizing antibodies.
However not all antibody responses are created equal. Sometimes antibodies do not prevent cell entry & on rare occasions, they may actually increase the ability of a virus to enter cells & cause a worsening of disease through a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement ADE.
ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.
Read 25 tweets
#Spike protein’ is the major target of #NAbs in infected/vaccinated people. The prefusion conformation of the Spike represents the most relevant target because Abs can successfully interfere w/ infection only if they prevent binding to target cells or prevent fusion itself 1/
Various approaches are adopted to express ‘#Spike’ protein in vivo, such as nucleic acid structures & virus vectors. Alternatively, other vaccine platforms like recombinant protein particles & inactivated vaccines can directly deliver this protein 2/
Most structural studies of the wild-type spike protein exhibited one #RBD in the 'open' conformation. By contrast, 2 or 3 RBDs were observed in the open conformation in the more infective #D614G mutant--the RBD #conformation plays a vital role in the infectivity of SARSCoV2 3/
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A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
Read 213 tweets

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