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Aug 23rd 2022
Affle India Analysis!!

A detailed thread 🪡🧵
#StockMarket #Investing
About -

Affle (India) Limited is an India-based global technology company, which offers consumer intelligence platform that delivers consumer recommendations & conversions through relevant mobile advertising for brands & business-to-consumer companies globally.
Revenue breakup -

Coustomer platform - 98.3%
Enterprise Platform - 1.8%
Read 26 tweets
May 17th 2022
Q&A Insights: Rahul Jain of @Dolat_Capital asked about the potential for growth going forward. Anuj Khanna MD replied that historically AFFLE has been beating the overall industry growth trend. Therefore, AFFLE believes it will continue to deliver superior growth vs. industry avg
Q&A Insights: Rahul of @Dolat_Capital enquired about how capex tech capitalization in FCF has played out and outlook. Kapil CFO said AFFLE’s investment in innovations was about INR6.9-7 million for FY22. Plan for FY23 is about 4% +/- 25 bp to invest in innovations of top line.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 23rd 2022
✅Most technician use multidimensional approach to market analysis by tracking the movement of 3 sets of figures- price, volume & open interest
✅Here I will share analysis on volume.

Volume & open interest as secondary indicators:
✅Price is by far the most important
✅Volume & open interest are secondary
✅Of those two, volume is the more important.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Affle has helped the brands like CoinDCX, Swiggy, Fossil, Discovery+, McDonald's, and many more to acquire and engage with 48.7 million users (in Q2'22) at an acquisition cost per user of INR 51.
Demystifying #Affle
Affle India ltd. is a pure-play advertisement technology company that helps enterprises drive user acquisitions and improve consumer engagement through mobile advertising.
Keywords- Technology, Mobile, Acquisition, engagement Image
Affle has around 2.2 billion connected devices and its converted users have grown at 38% CAGR over FY19-21. Affle has a long-term vision to reach 10 billion+ next sets of mobile-first connected devices

"Mobile + Connected Device " & "10 billion" Image
Read 22 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Thought of developing a bit more on comparisons being made between Route and Tanla

Both are in an undeniably hot sector and therefore attracting lot of attention

One needs to b careful while making any loose comparisons of Tanla & Route

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
When one dispassionately looks at both scrips, it can be easily seen that they are miles apart on financials,business operations, promoters, clients, regulatory front

Will list some of the reasons here below for everyone's consideration.

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
While reading this, please take your eyes off the share prices and price action because that doesn't represent value - price largely just represent sentiments.

(1) Route is a recently listed company post IPO in September 2020...(contd..)

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
Read 23 tweets
Feb 11th 2020

LONG @ 1730.30

First Pullback Entry after C&H + VCP Breakout

Risk 0.6% ImageImage

Out of 6 open positions, 3 are up 5% in 2-3 days only and lots of good setups are still there to hunt. Image
Being a staunch follower of BRN theory, I had been asked about my approach on #AFFLEINDIA as it is approching untested level of 2000. Here, observe a very important thing- the "cause" built up before approach to this resistance. The cause-11 week of 1/2
Read 6 tweets

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