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May 10th 2023
This tweet by a retired wealthy industrialist with too much time on his hands and no idea what to do with it illustrates what is wrong with India.

He extols the virtues of a clay water storage unit, the surahi, from the mid-20th century.


Of course, while he lives in unimaginable luxury, the likes of which we can't dream of.

It's a foolish comparison, because the surahi can only store and cool water by a few degrees, whereas the fridge can cool anything, preserve food, and make ice (needed for his scotch).

But that didn't stop Indian twitterati from going ga-ga over his tweet. Why?

Because if there's one thing guaranteed to give you applause in India today, it is hearkening to the past.
Our grandparents had the most wonderful life. Our country was great in the good old days.
Read 26 tweets

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