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Aug 27th 2020
There's video of #KenoshaShooter as well as video of militia members explaining to each other that the police planned to push protesters at the militia members so they (the #Militia ) could take care of the protesters. 1/13…
Then, later that night, the #kenoshapolicedepartment tossed bottles of water to those militia members and thanked them for their help while simultaneously telling protesters they had to leave the area because they were "civilians."

Then the militia members staged themselves 3 blocks south of 60th street and the police kettled protesters to 60th street. It was then that this militia member shot one of the protesters in the head with an AR-15.

Read 15 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
امریکا بیدار شو،زمان انقلاب نزدیک است
#رشتو #AmericaWakeUp
شما از امریکا چه میدانید، سرزمین آزادی و شجاعان؟
صاحبان این سرزمین، ثروتمندان هستندکه تمام تصمیمات بزرگ را کنترل میکنند‌و به شما میگویند که در انتخاب آزاد هستیداما نیستید، انتخابی ندارید.

شما صاحب دارید آنها مالک شما هستند، آنها صاحب همه چیز هستند. تمام زمینهای مهم، شرکت ها نمایندگان،سیاستمداران و قضات در اختیار آنها هستند، آنها رسانه ها را تحت مالکیت خود دارند و میتوانند تمام اخبار و اطلاعات را کنترل کنند. ثروت بیشتر را برای خود و کمتر را برای دیگران می خواهند.
ولی من به شما میگویم آنها چه چیز را نمیخواهند: آنها مردمی با روحیه انتقادی، دارای اطلاعات خوب و تحصیل کرده را نمی خواهند زیرا در مقابل منفعت آنهاست.آنها می گویند به چه چیزهایی فکر کنید، چه چیزهایی رو باور داشته باشید و چه چیزهایی را بخرید. آنها به هیچ وجه به فکر شما نیستند
Read 3 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best and… apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harm…”

“Our fight does not end on Election Day. It’s the days or weeks that follow — as the mail-in votes are counted — that are most important.” @FindAClearTruth

President* Trump has corrupted everything he has touched… November 3rd, America admits its greatest mistake and fires Donald Trump.

Fire #AmericasGreatestMistake October 20 if you vote by mail.

Read 101 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best and… apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harm…”

“Our fight does not end on Election Day. It’s the days or weeks that follow — as the mail-in votes are counted — that are most important.” @FindAClearTruth

Read 100 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
“Don’t trust anything President* Trump tells you. The safest place for your child to be is home, with you. If they go back to school, you could be driving your own child to their death.” #KeepYourChildHome

Read 84 tweets
Jun 27th 2020

Pass it on.

Republican Senators who acquitted #TraitorTrump in February are going to go through some things.

Who does #MoscowMitch work for, America or Putin?

So Trump signed off on Russian murders of American soldiers, Chinese concentration camps, extorting Ukraine, betraying Kurds, selling nuclear secrets to Saudis, putting kids in cages, tear gassing U.S. citizens, and politicizing masks during the #COVID19 pandemic? Anything else??
Read 50 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
Did President* Trump beg China to help him win in 2020?

And why DOES he keep hiring people he says are wackos or liars?

Sir David Attenborough narrates #RampGate:

Read 47 tweets

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