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Apr 8th 2020
The world is celebrating the legacy & history of #Roma people. Their contribution to social advancement in #Europe is immeasurable.

Therefore, we should lift the barriers of #Antigypsyism in an act of solidarity.
@antonioguterres @UNHumanRights @ECRI_CoE Image
Understanding how racism is hitting minorities in different ways in #EU is key to understand how it make us all vulnerable against a crisis like #coronaoutbreak.

This is why ENAR & @ZR_SintiRoma published a book on dimensions of #antigypsyism.

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“Step up human rights protection for Roma & guarantee their access to vital services during the #COVIDー19 pandemic” secretary general of the @coe @MarijaPBuric rightly demands in an joint statement with @helenadalli, #EU Commissioner for Equality.

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May 13th 2019
A new book is launched today: ‘Dimensions of #Antigypsyism in #Europe’, by @ENAREurope and @ZR_SintiRoma, is about the complex and different dimensions of specific form of structural #racism in Europe. #EndRacismEU…

@CEUhungary @osfEUpolicy @ECRI_CoE Image
ENAR’s new book sheds light on the multi-dimensional & complex phenomenon of #antigypsyism in Europe & highlights the urgency to increase political will & mobilisation to combat this structural racism:… #EndRacismEU @ZR_SintiRoma @EU_Justice @EUHomeAffairs Image
What is #antigypsyism and what are the different dimensions of this specific form of racism in Europe? How does it affect Roma & European society in various areas of life? #EndRacismEU

Find out in our new book just hot off the press with @ZR_SintiRoma :… Image
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