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Dec 21st 2022
1/ In the lead-up to the #FIFAWorldCup, football fan tokens saw major price jumps of up to 47%. But how did they perform during the tournament?

A short thread on our findings & insights 🧡
2/ National Teams’ Football Fan Tokens rallied as high as 47%, in anticipation of the #FIFAWorldCup πŸ“ˆ

Major football fan tokens representing Argentina (#ARG), Portugal (#POR), Brazil (#BFT), and Spain (#SNFT) saw significant price increases.
Between Nov. 1 and just before the opening matches of the World Cup on Nov. 21, $ARG jumped the highest at 47%, followed closely by the $POR at 45%. $SNFT saw a 11% rise, and $BFT experienced a 4% gain.
Read 10 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
@WKahneman 1/ Certainly one of the finest tedious rants I've heard in a long time πŸ˜‰

But let me add a few more facts to your fantastic thread:
@WKahneman 2/ First and foremost, if you're looking for a quick way to find the first or oldest commit, often known as changes to the repository, ever recorded on XRPLF/rippled, here it is: πŸ‘‡…
@WKahneman 3/ You can see when the #XRPL was initially built, who was involved in the early stages, what issues were addressed, and what improvements were implemented at what point in time. 🧐
Read 16 tweets
May 15th 2022
Ran the test for an hour ... total SUCCESS!

Here's a breakdown 🧡

#cassie #web3 #blockchain #crypto
Purpose of the test is to ensure that #cassie can support at least validator set sizes of 100.

100 validators provides an acceptable level of security, decentralization etc ... more is always better OFC.
As #cassie is the first leaderless multi-decree #BFT it's a critical test! Until now it's simply been theory and a hunch that this would work for over 18 months.

To make things "worse", the test itself is configured to be HORRIFIC, with parameters WAY outside nominal.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 13th 2022
Let's talk about #cryptoeconomics and #tokeneconomics

1. Crypto economics β‰  token economics
2. Token economics β‰  tokenomics
3. Token economics β‰  token design
4. Token design β‰  tokenomics

Resources at end of 🧡
Crypto economics is the study of designing embedded incentives of the system to hold desired properties with the goal of validating and agreeing on messages and information transacted in the system.
This can include messages being transferred like Ethereum, or information being kept like Filecoin.
Read 23 tweets

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