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Sep 27th 2018
We're live-tweeting the #KavanaughHearings. It'll be a tough day for too many of us, so we're asking everyone to take time to care for yourself today. For some guidance, check out our webinar, "Self Esteem, Self Expression, and Self Love for Activists":
Pitiful that @ChuckGrassley opens with saying that *both* Dr. Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh have had a bad couple weeks. One came forward with a painful truth, the other faced a reckoning for multiple allegations of abuse. #KavanaughHearings #BelieveSurivors
Thus begins @ChuckGrassley's cognitive dissonance regarding when, why, and how survivors come forward. We should control our stories and who they're shared with. #BelieveSurvivors #KavanaughHearings
Read 93 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
It’s time for a #StormChat ⚡️

Dr. Ford suffered doxxing, impersonation and death threats for coming forward with her story of assault.

Trump piled on and questioned her credibility.
#WhyIDidntReport #BelieveChristine

FBI:Less than 2% of reports are FAKE. 98% are REAL. /1
When women are assaulted, what happens to the perp?
99.4% walk free.

310/1000 are reported to the police, 2% end up in jail. /2
Who is assaulting us? 70% of the time, it’s someone we know. Someone we have to see again at school, work, at church or at family gatherings /3 #WhyIDidntReport
Read 9 tweets

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