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Sep 27th 2020
1/9 The beautiful irony of the #TrumpTaxReturns coming out NOW is that Trump's never-ending appeals pushed the release date back until he gave HIMSELF an early October surprise.

#CountBankruptula was surely hoping to keep them hidden until after the election.

#TrumpTaxes Image
2/9 Now we know that since 2000 there are TEN years when Trump didn't pay anything in taxes.

In all Trump paid no federal income taxes in 11 of 18 years the New York Times' reporters examined…
3/9 Now we know that Trump only paid $750 his first 2 terms while hard-working Americans paid their dues & struggled to make ends meet.

Now we know that he practiced wide-scale tax fraud based on claims of heavy losses, & he probably WAS losing heavily...…
Read 70 tweets
May 8th 2019
🤡#LOSER 1 🤡

Trump exerts executive privilege over Mueller report. (Wait, is that in the Constitution?)

Nadler says, “[T]his kind of obstruction is dangerous. The Dept's decision reflects Trump’s blanket defiance of Congress’s constitutionally mandated duties.” #GONADler
💩 #LOSER 2 💩

House Judiciary votes and holds Barr in contempt. Vote now goes to full House.

Mnuchin refuses to provide Trump's taxes because Trump's a #BillionDollarLoser. (Spoiler: It's why he met with Russia.)

Speaker Pelosi talks about a jail in the Capitol bldg basement.
🚨 #LOSER 3 🚨

Trump, who cares more about ratings than governing, fears a televised Mueller hearing. 😈

Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee calls Trump Jr. to testify. Jr. may plead the fifth or decide not to come according to sources.

Read 79 tweets
May 8th 2019
Thread 1/8 on Trump Taxes/NYT

So NYT found 10 years of Trump taxes up to 1994. He lost a BILLION dollars and was in DEBT 8 of 10 years. Trump was NEVER a 'Billionaire' and for at least 2 past decades has been IN DEBT. He is a 'Debtonaire'. What does this mean? Short thread.
Trump Taxes 2/8

So for 10 years 1985-1994 Trump tax returns show he LOST money. His debt rating was wiped out, nobody SANE loans this grifter any money, ever. All AMERICAN Banks put him on a black list. Only some FOREIGN banks lent him money. That is how Trump became COMPROMISED
Trump Taxes 3/8

This STORY is like Mueller Report. This what we JUST heard is the 'least damaging part' to this story. It gets FAR FAR worse as we find out about taxes next 2 decades, 1995-2018. That is when Trump sold his soul to Putin for about half a BILLION dollars in loans
Read 9 tweets

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