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Sep 29th 2021
I did not expect that in the days between #biweek and the @BECAUSEConf, a leading representative from a #bisexual organization would painfully erase #pansexual people and reignite the tired #bisexual vs. #pansexual label wars on social media. But here we are.
At this time, I think it is important that #bisexual leaders who organize #bisexual, #pansexual, #queer, #fluid and otherwise #nonmonosexual (sometimes known as "bi+") communities online and/or in person speak out to affirm that #pansexual people are valid.
Some suggestions about how to avoid causing pain regarding labels. First, if you don't use a label, don't define it. Not #pansexual? Don't define #pansexuality. Not #bisexual? Don't define #bisexuality. This places definitional autonomy where it belongs: w/ ppl who use the label.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
This will seem like a very odd decision for anyone familiar with LGB Alliance's social media profile. Taking a first glance at @ChtyCommission's reasoning here's what strikes me as key. Others may have more insight...
Firstly, it seems that much of LGB Alliance's historic social media output runs directly contrary to some their started charitable aims, notably the fact that they spend a lot of time denying and denigrating #bisexuality. Thread: .
This ought to have been a red flag for the @ChtyCommission as in section 41, they specifically commented on whether or not the LGB Alliance was a "sham" and, in section 42, concluded that there was "no evidence".

This begs the question: what evidence do they need, exactly?
Read 13 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
🧵We don’t endorse a queer theory reframing of #bisexuality as being “an attraction to two or more genders”; this definition in too ambiguous as to be meaningless. People aren’t attracted to a subjective concept like gender, they are attracted to others based on their sex.1/4
Only recently the identity of bisexuality was considered transphobic by some, leading to the microlabel pansexual. Innate sexuality is not bigotry. There are many bisexuals who feel unrepresented by organisations that define their sexuality as based on gender as opposed to sex./2
Many bisexuals feel there is pressure on them to accept trans partners regardless of their personal attraction, as bisexuals are stereotyped as “up for anything.” That is not a situation that is conducive to meaningful consent and can lead to great harm./3
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Jul 24th 2020
1/4] Following that ‘bisexuality among men' article in PNAS, I've uncovered the following important articles:

I.N. Faith (2020) ‘Is the Pope Catholic? Robust Data from Longitudinal Study of Certain Papal Practices, 2019-2020’, Pope Studies, 666, Fall, 1-89.

#AcademicTwitter Image
2/4] R.I.P. Nincompoop (2020), ‘Do Bears Shit in the Woods? Strong Evidence from Participant Observation, Very, Very High Up Some Trees, One Ill-fated Day in January 2020, Among Grizzlies, Alaska’, International Journal of Scatology, 278(3): 1-3 (published posthumously). Image
3/4] R.E. Tail-Park (2020), ‘Shoppers: Are They Really Who They Say They Are? Significant Reports from Covert Surveillance of Shopper-Cashier Interactions, An International Study’, Archives of Controversial Claims, 1(1): 1-2.

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Jun 30th 2018
I'm gonna chat for a while about what it is like to be the B in LGBTQIA. Well most of the time it feels more the b in LbG(t). #pride #bisexuality
See binary concepts are a thing which are simple to understand, so for many people they struggle to get it when you say there is more then just straight or gay! J #pride
It's tough when your sexuality gets erased and derided, esp by those who are Gay and Lesbian. J #Pride
Read 24 tweets

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