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Jun 8th 2023
🌈 Thread: Demystifying Non-Binary Identities and the Non-Binary Flag 🏳️‍🌈

💛⚪️💜⚫️ Image
Non-binary individuals are an important part of our diverse LGBTQ+ community. They identify outside the traditional gender binary, which means their gender identity doesn't exclusively align with being male or female.
The non-binary flag is a symbol of pride and visibility for non-binary people. It consists of yellow, white, purple, and black stripes, each representing different aspects of non-binary identities and experiences.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
1) Info-verzamel-tweet: #Lentekriebels #Rutgers
De week vd Lentekriebels is voorbij. Maar de #WHO bemoeizucht nog niet. Scholen zijn verplicht om #seksuelevorming te geven al vanaf #kinderopvang, via hun richtlijnen.
⬇️ 10.000en kinderen die spraken over wat zij fijn vinden. ImageImageImageImage
2) Info-verzamel-tweet:
#Lentekriebels #Rutgers
De seksuele ontwikkeling van 0-18 jaar volgens folder #Rutgerstichting.
Folder jaartal 2019. ImageImageImageImage
3) Info-verzamel-tweet:
#Lentekriebels #Rutgers
Dit zijn de leerdoelen vh Lentekriebels-programma voor het normale basisonderwijs, groep 1 t/m groep 8.
Er zijn verschillende cursussen en lespakketten voor het onderwijspersoneel, ze leren de #WHO-richtlijnen toepassen. ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Apr 14th 2023
Given the current state of affairs, maybe take some time to listen to the stories of #trans folks, and hear what they have to say.

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransWomenAreWomen #nonbinary
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Mar 17th 2023
I try to avoid politics on this page.

However, as I'm openly #Nonbinary & the creator of #InternationalNonBinaryDay, & I reside in BC, I feel I need to say something.

I hate this.
This is a waste of taxpayer money. It is another virtue-signalling boondoggle from a province that has become a living hell to exist in.

I don't feel included in BC, and it has nothing to do with gendered language used by the gov't.
I don't feel included because the housing crisis means my husband & I will never afford a place to live.

I don't feel included because our health system is in the toilet. Who gives a flying fornication about misgendering when you have to wait hours for an ambulance?
Read 15 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
The reporting period covered by #TDoR2022 (1 Oct 2021 - 30 Sep 2022) is now over.

This is what we know so far about those who we will be remembering on this Transgender Day of Remembrance (20th November 2022):…

#SayTheirNames #TransLivesMatter #TDoR
A homeless #trans woman victim was found with two stab wounds in Guayaquil, Guayas (Ecuador) on 1 Oct 2021.

She was 34, and was identified only by the alias "La Pocha". #SayHerName #TransLivesMatter #TDoR…
Royal Poetical Starz was shot inside her vehicle in Miami Gardens, Florida (USA) on 2 Oct 2021.

She was 26. #SayHerName #TransLivesMatter #TDoR…
Read 389 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Guten Morgen liebe Leute.
Heute ist #BiVisibilityDay2022.
Und ich bin auf dem Weg zur @BiPlusPride.
🏳️‍🌈❤️💜💙 #BiVisibilityDay #BiPride #BiProud #BiMen #Bisexual
Ein Thread (1/22)
Das ich frei über meine #Bisexualität denken und schreiben und reden kann, ist nicht selbstverständlich. Noch immer werden auch bisexuelle Menschen in vielen anderen Ländern verurteilt. (2/22)
In #Ägypten sind homosexuelle Handlungen verboten und wird mit 3 Jahren Haft veruteilt. Im #Iran erhalten queere Frauen 100 Peitschenhiebe. Und Männer werden zum Tode verurteilt. Die #Todesstrafe gibt es auch in #SaudiArabien. (3/22)
Read 23 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Vor einigen Jahren noch war klar, dass #Transfrauen transsexuell sind (F64.0). Sie taten alles, um anerkannt zu werden. Ihnen Perversion oder böse Hintergedanken zu unterstellen, hatte nichts mit der Realität zu tun. Viele Frauen- und Homo-Gruppen haben sie aufgenommen. 1/
Es gab natürlich auch unterschwellig bis unverblümt Äußerungen, dass TS nicht 100% als Frauen gesehen wurden, auch wenn sie sich das sehr wünschten. Sie blieben #Trans-Frauen. Das tat oft weh, z. B. auch wenn es um Liebe ging. 2/
Viele #Trans-Frauen litten darunter, wenn Männer sich nur für Sex mit einem Körper im Zwischenstatus (Brüste+Penis) interessierten, jedoch nicht für sie als Person. Hinzu kam das Unbehagen mit dem eigenen Körper, welches die Angst vor Ablehnung durch andere noch übertraf. 3/
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Jul 13th 2022

I hope all #nonbinary people will have a lovely day and a great rest of the #NonbinaryAwarenessWeek! 💗

United, we are strong!!! ✨ Image
I'm already in July 14th because time zones (it's just past midnight here) so I am actually about to go to bed but I am looking forward to see posts from other nonbinary people for this celebration!!! 🥰
I love this rainbow popsicle shirt and the moment I saw it at the shop, I was like "I MUST OWN IT" 🤣

It looks even more queer in real life 😎✨
Read 9 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
É impossível não conhecer o trabalho e jornada de Sara Ramirez e pensar CARALHO. Essa é uma pessoa que me dá tanta validação pra existir em todos os erros e falhas

Leiam essa matéria…
pontos altos da entrevista da Sara
“What I love about Che is that Che is complicated and messy and human. Che is a great reminder that even when we don’t like someone in our community, they still deserve love, safety and joy, like everyone else,” they say. “But the movement for liberation includes everyone +
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Apr 11th 2022
Hey researchers across this continent who write about non-binary folks, add to public information, and yet fail to include the sheer volume of writing and discussion of Indigenous scholars. Why? What are we doing wrong?

Or around gender diversity, if you prefer the distinction. I'm surprised (honestly a bit annoyed) by how many ECRs and HDRs who write about gender diversity and fail to include our work or reference our existence. I just went through a site focused on this w/out a single mention.
I think about the scholarship of Madi Day or Andy Farrell, for instance. Or the brilliant writings of Nayuka Gorrie or Ellen van Neerven or Hayden Moon. I mean I'm mentioning a few people who have added their thoughts for you to ignore.
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Feb 11th 2022
Hello Twitter! My name's Steve (pronouns: they/any 🏳️‍🌈 ) and I am currently a Visiting Researcher at the University of Leeds, funded by the @_ISRF and researching #disabled people's involvement in #cooperatives in the UK. My research website is
My profile on the @_ISRF website:…
This is a one-year research project, funded from September 2021 to Sept 2022, but I've only been able to "go public" and recruit participants now (Feb 2022) due to waiting for university ethics committee approval.
However, I am hoping that this research can continue in some form beyond the funded period, and I definitely intend my website to remain in existence as a resource for #disabled people and #cooperatives.
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Jan 21st 2022
In one year, the Biden-Harris Administration has made significant progress in advancing equality and equity for #LGBTQI+ people. Below are some ways @POTUS and @VP have re-prioritized LGBTQI+ issues within government and brought LGBTQI+ people back to the table. (thread)
On day one, @POTUS signed an EO preventing and combating discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. This historic EO directed federal agencies to fully implement all federal laws to protect #LGBTQI+ people.…
In June 2021, the #BidenHarrisAdministration announced that Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, reversing the prior administration’s stance. #LGBTQI+…
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Oct 15th 2021
More organized post:
Literally stop your "oh I'm so tolerant" #liberal shit because yes, Generation Y, sometimes you deserve to be shit on especially in the #USA/Americaland sector.
Like literally this is why #millennials including myself sometimes just feel... Like some people are two /2
faced. #generationy more critique, in my case, in the white sector but some of you #liberal people of color, even black and Latinx/Indigenous folx make yourself so unapproachable even as a liberal myself and I just don't like that. /3
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Sep 29th 2021
I did not expect that in the days between #biweek and the @BECAUSEConf, a leading representative from a #bisexual organization would painfully erase #pansexual people and reignite the tired #bisexual vs. #pansexual label wars on social media. But here we are.
At this time, I think it is important that #bisexual leaders who organize #bisexual, #pansexual, #queer, #fluid and otherwise #nonmonosexual (sometimes known as "bi+") communities online and/or in person speak out to affirm that #pansexual people are valid.
Some suggestions about how to avoid causing pain regarding labels. First, if you don't use a label, don't define it. Not #pansexual? Don't define #pansexuality. Not #bisexual? Don't define #bisexuality. This places definitional autonomy where it belongs: w/ ppl who use the label.
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Jul 17th 2021
Hmm. Knowing a little about newspapers, it's quite possible David himself didn't write the headline and blurb - though the thrust of his review is clear, the direct reference to sex as a "social construct" is Joyce's quote: Image
I'm not so sure that isn't a #StrawMan; an extreme position being characterised as if it were the nub of the debate. I don't know, but can't imagine many would vehemently disagree with these commonly held definitions:

(Though I expect there are nuances.)
I first encountered grassroots #trans groups in the '00s when campaigning against @ukhomeoffice #IDcards & the #NationalIdentityRegister.

They were generous, tolerant & open - explaining to someone with no knowledge the many challenges of #transition, including living with an...
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Jun 3rd 2021
I would like to ask people to talk about “identities” instead of “labels” when talking about descriptions of yourself or others that are self-chosen and proudly-carried. I am thoroughly sick of saying people talking about “why label yourself”; “I don’t want to label my child” etc
when talking about important diagnoses such as #autism and #ADHD that are utterly essential to self-understanding and often become proud, self-chosen identities as a child grows up, and it’s even worse when people talk about #gender and #sexualities as “labels”.
Ultimately, “labels” have no function for the self; they exist purely for interactions with others. That doesn’t mean they can’t be useful and empowering, but to my mind it’s a huge misapprehension to describe #gender and #sexualities in this way and plays right into the idea
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Apr 18th 2021
Folowing from Faran’s negative experiences with a #Buddhist group discussed yesterday, let’s examine some resources for #trans, #nonbinary, and #genderqueer folks and their sanghas, especially in relation to #JodoShinshu. #LGBTQ #Buddhism #shinbuddhism
@ray_moishe Ray Buckner provides advice for sanghas in making their space and practices more accessible for all practitioners (not Pure Land-based, but pretty universally applicable)…
You can take your sangha’s efforts further by implementing the recommendation of the breakthrough “Developing Trans*Competence guide”…
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Mar 12th 2021
#DetransAwarenessDay is trending.
It's easy for our fears impermanence and making the "wrong" decisions for our bodyminds to surge to the surface.
Deep breaths. Check in with your body's wisdom. I believe you in all of your truths. #TransIsBeautiful #NonbinaryPride #Agender
If you're a trans or nonbinary (++) survivor of sexual or intimate partner violence whose heart feels as heavy as mine does today, I encourage you to check out the resources at @FORGEforward (, including the survivor blog:
If you're looking for #trans and #nonbinary affirming mental health/mental illness/Madness support that doesn't rely on calling the cops, I'd strongly recommend you check out and support @fireweedHJ and @projectlets! #NeurodiverseSquad
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Mar 7th 2021
I am THRILLED to finally announce that I was awarded a $400k @NSF CAREER grant! This is a five-year research and educational grant that will be largely focused on understanding and mitigating discrimination against #LGBTQ+ people. 1/ #EconTwitter…
The first study is of #discrimination against #Trans and #Nonbinary people and racial and ethnic minorities in access to mental health care. This is joint with @elben, @LFumarco + others. Pilot results here 👇 2/N
The 2nd study builds on the 1st, as we seek to determine how #COVID19 has affected access to mental health care. When the pandemic surges, does appointment access decrease? (Very early results from the start of the pandemic suggest yes.) Joint w/ @LFumarco + @elben + others. 3/N
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Nov 18th 2020
Alright, y'all: a short 9 minutes until @queerterpreter talks to us about nonbinary Spanish! It's not too late to hop on over to @MSUclacs 's YouTube channel and join this conversation!
Here we go, y'all! The count down has begun! (And this waiting music! ✨💖✨)
@queerterpreter starts by noting that all of their slides and other work are available on their website! Find the slides and other presentations here:
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Oct 16th 2020
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: Protecting LGBTQ+ Rights
Only one party has a specific plan ensuring the rights of LGBTQ+ people and will fight to enact The #EqualityAct. Dems will not allow discrimination against LGBTQ+ persons to stand. 1/10
#Democrats applaud this year’s #SCOTUS decision that made clear that employment discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity violates the law, but we know we still have work to do to ensure LGBTQ+ people are treated equally under the law and in our society. 2/10
#Democrats will fight to enact the #EqualityAct and at last outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in housing, public accommodations, access to credit, education, jury service, and federal programs. 3/10 #DemPartyPlatform
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Oct 12th 2020
For #ComingOutDay I wanted to share a book I made:
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Sep 26th 2020
1. "Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism" by bell hooks @bellhooks A classic work of feminist scholarship, a must-read for all those interested in the nature of Black womanhood #100BrilliantAuthors #BookChat…
2. "Algorithms of Oppression" by Safiya Noble@safiyanoblehow negative biases against women of color are embedded in search engine results and algorithms #100BrilliantAuthors #BookChat Algorithmic Justice Algorithms of Oppression How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
Read 103 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
📣 BREAKING NEWS: Non-Binary People Protected By U.K. Equality Act, Says Landmark Ruling Against Jaguar Land Rover
An important milestone for non-binary people today.…
The tribunal said it was “clear… that gender is a spectrum” and that it is “beyond any doubt” that claimant’s identity fell within the definition.
“We hope this judgement works to reassure all current and aspiring non-binary professionals that our courts will insist on them being respected and protected in the workplace too." - @EnbyLawyer, Director of Legal and Policy, Mermaids.
Read 3 tweets

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