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Jan 13th 2023
1. A very worrying issue shared by a #Chinese doctor: infected for the second time/repeated infection.
According to this doctor, their hospital beds are currently largely occupied by ppl with second infections. These patients' pain is 5-10 times worse than the first time.
2. Their immunity is extremely low, and many people rely on immunoglobulin infusions, which cost more than 800 yuan per dose. They need two infusions a day, spending 2,000 yuan for a one-day hospital stay. Don't listen to the experts on TV. After being infected, you can only have
3. immunity for a month. Second infection is very serious. We have run out of immunoglobulin. Many patients lie in bed without being able to buy any. They suffer a lot. I have given up my plan to travel to my hometown for the Chinese New Year. The situation is too bad. But the TV
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