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Jun 2nd 2021
This 🧵 is about the film #CodedBias and its director @shalinikantayya. It's a painful and poignant thread for me because I am friends with so many of the scholars who are centred in this film, and respect their work enormously. Yet (and therefore) I cannot stay silent. (1/n)
The crux: the cognitive dissonances at the heart of the director’s problematic association with the @hinduamerican foundation and how it impacts the film's message. I hope @jovialjoy @timnitgebru @safiyanoble @poptechworks and others understand why+how this affects us all. (2/n)
It’s not surprising that I was one of the many who took down #TheSocialDilemma for its white tech-bro centred angst about Big Tech, without any reference to the work of so *many* women and BIPOC activists+scholars. (3/n)
Read 16 tweets
May 17th 2021
@60Minutes producers spoke to me for many hours. I even spent additional time building a custom demo for @andersoncooper and made recommendations on research to include and subjects to interview with emphasis on the stories of the #excoded who have been falsely arrested. 1/n
There was an interview scheduled and on my way to receive a COVID19 test I got a last minute notification that the interview had been canceled before I even reached the destination. It recalls to mind how @reshmasaujani and @GirlsWhoCode were handled by @60Minutes. 2/n
I was glad to see the work of @ClareAngelyn highlighted as it rightfully should be. From a public education standpoint I am not clear why @60Minutes did not include any of the results from the Dec 2019 @NIST study.…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
❓❔ What is #AlgorithmicBias ❔❓

💻 A short #CodedBias Thread 💻 Image
1 - Some machines use algorithms like training guides to learn how to complete tasks as data comes in over time. #AlgorithmicBias #CodedBias Image
2 - These machines then use what they learn and make big decisions in people’s lives like:

➡️ who gets hired or fired.
➡️ who receives proper medical treatment.
➡️ who is targeted in police investigations.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
This morning, I read the new proposed @EU_Commission AI legislation, "Proposal for a Regulation on a European approach for Artificial Intelligence." Here are my notes on the first 50 or so pages.…
I'm writing a new book for @mitpress about race & gender & ability & technology. I read the proposed legislation hoping that it would be fodder for the chapter currently called "hopeful and policy stuff."
The proposal starts with some history. EU folks have been working on AI ethics issues since at least 2017.
Read 77 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021
Critically acclaimed #Sundance documentary @CodedBias by @shalinikantayya is available to stream on @netflix April 5th! Meet the brilliant and badass women fighting for ethics in the technologies that will shape our future. #codedbias
Everyone should see this documentary!!! If you care about the about our future. Tune in!! Thank you @shalinikantayya and all others involved. 🤩😍
@jovialjoy @mathbabedotorg @safiyanoble @merbroussard @timnitGebru @silkiecarlo @PopTechWorks @rajiinio @zeynep @amywebb @shalinikantayya Are fantastic in this film!! Working hard to make sure biases in AI don’t define our future! Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏 Everyone please watch!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Revisit #HerDreamDeferred panel on medical bias, misogynoir, and Black women’s health:
Resource for AI ethics curriculum for middle schoolers:… #AIEthics #HerDreamDeferred
Read 62 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
All-star panel for #HerDreamDeferred's panel on @CodedBias and the dangers of bias in AI.

We'll be tweeting some quotes and more below ⬇️

@CodedBias Wait, there's only been one Black person EVER in the Stanford computer science PhD program?

#HerDreamDeferred @timnitGebru
"The neutralizing and cloaking of power & hierarchy is a familiar story, yet for a variety of reasons we will discuss, the dangers of its embedding in new, unregulated technologies presents a threat of rolling back hard fought gains." - @sandylocks #HerDreamDeferred
Read 10 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Pulling together resources shared during the powerful @CodedBias viewing & panel. Thank you!! 🧵 1/n

#CodedBias #MakeAIEthical #RecruitMeNot #ISupportTimnit
Popular media often portrays AI as "magic." But @m_c_elish & @zephoria argue that this idea masks the human labor required to make #AI function - @datasociety 2/n…
Jessie Daniels, @mutalenkonde and Darakhshan Mir put together this @datasociety guide on addressing racism in tech at a systems-level. 3/n…
Read 40 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
How do we combat racial bias in AI? “Having more folks that look like the US population at the table when technology is designed.”

A great @washingtonpost piece by @davidberreby about AI, racial bias, and police brutality.
Did you know that women only make up about 13% of the AI workforce? AI is a huge part of our lives, and when we don’t have girls or minorities in tech, these systems carry the biases of the people who create them.…
Why does Facial Recognition not see dark-skinned faces accurately? Join us and @CRAdvocacy for free screening of #CodedBias to learn how technology is subject to embedded racism & privilege and the push for change. Register today.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
"The Victoria Police employ a risk-based system that classifies young people who have been in conflict with the law as ‘youth network offenders (YNOs)’ or ‘core youth network offenders" @DrLWeber1 @MigrationMonash #VicPolWatch Thread:
"A senior local officer explained: ‘We can run that tool now and it will tell us - like the kid might be 15 - it tells how many crimes he is going to commit before he is 21 based on that, and it is a 95% accuracy. It has been tested.’
"Young people who participated in this study said they were often asked about their age, identity and friendship networks and required to account for their presence when they were gathering in public places, using public transport or simply walking along the street."
Read 19 tweets

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