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Jul 12th 2022
#CSection conundrum 1/n

As a neonatologist I shall delve into short & long term effects on the child a bit later on.
For today, the question I am looking into is ‘will > C section = < maternal and neonatal mortality’ adjusted and not adjusted to Human developmental Index (HDI)
#Csection and #MMR and #NMR 2/n
WHO recommends an ideal rate of 15% at a population level. Less than this, mums and babies are at risk, more it will veer towards unnecessary sections.
Does this hold good when we look into pooled country wise data?
When adjusted to HDI, especially amongst developing countries there is ⬆️ risk of maternal deaths when C section rates are below 10%. But the correlation (higher C section - lower mortality) irons out pretty rapidly beyond 10% for MMR and 20% for NMR 3/n
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May 5th 2021
A young woman in Mali gave birth to nine babies on Tuesday - joining a very rare club of mothers to nonuplets. The miraculous pregnancy of 25-year-old Halima Cisse has fascinated the people of the West African country. #nonuplets #9babies…
In fact, when doctors in March advised Cisse needed specialist care, authorities flew her to Morocco, where she gave birth. "The newborns - five girls and four boys - and the mother are all doing well," shared Mali's Health Minister, Fanta Siby. #Nonuplets #newbornbaby
Cisse and her babies are expected to return home in a few weeks, she added. Cisse was initially believed to have been carrying septuplets - a set of seven babies born at once. #septuplets #nonuplets #birth #childbirth #Maliwoman #Pregnancy #babies
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Jan 29th 2021
@ajhospitalmng Our recent experience at this prestigious self-proclaimed hospital felt we need to share so that others are aware of what will come their way.

This review and feedback are in no way to attract attention to our woes but think well before you plan
your recovery at this place.

My wife was admitted a few days back for a C-section Surgery, and praise God we were blessed with a beautiful boy, and now we have been discharged and back home.

Our experience at this hospital though was not so much as peaceful at all, though.
- Worried about the current pandemic time, we thought the hospital was more cautious and safer, but as we entered, the staff just filled the COVID screening forms by herself, including our body temperatures without even checking.
Read 22 tweets

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