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Nov 30th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/30/2021…
Manatee death rate spikes to highest number in nearly 50 years…

#manatees #DeathRate
Brilliant GIF shows how Humans, Birds and Insects Breathe…

#GraphicVisualization #breathing #animals
Read 13 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
Images of Infectious Diseases

A young man presents to the ER because of leg numbness. While undergoing evaluation, he had a seizure. CT head is shown (photo). #IDTwitter what is your differential diagnosis?

Case details #MayoIDQ MCQ to follow… Image
36M migrant from Mexico
No PMH. HIV negative.
CC: leg numbness
ED: witnessed seizure
WBC 16. Cr 0.7. AST 35.
CT (photo)

Which one of the following is least likely the correct answer about this condition? #MayoIDQ
Case diagnosis: #Neurocysticercosis NCC due to #Taenia #solium

There was an almost equal spread in the answers (probably due to poorly constructed MCQ :-) )

The least likely correct association is undercooked pork…. which leads to #taeniasis but not directly to NCC
Read 7 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
Our 5th and final day of #ParasitesOnline21 will begin shortly with a plenary talk from Prof Santiago Mas-Coma from University of Valencia on: Fascioliasis control in human endemic areas: one health action to complement preventative chemotherapy
Prof Maria-Gloria Basanez introduces Prof Santiago Mas-Coma who was awarded Honorary membership of @BSPparasitology in 2020
Prof Mas-Coma cites his recent paper, which describes this One Health approach to tackle fascioloiasis spread by donkeys, which are important for transport in the Altiplano:… Sheep & cattle also act as reservoirs:… #ParasitesOnline21
Read 36 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
#idboardreview 25 F stayed on a Maine farm a year ago. Recently took homeopathic regimen to eliminate parasites from the body. Presents to primary care w/mild to moderate abdominal discomfort. Stool O&P shown. Diagnosis? #medEd #idmedEd #idtwitter Image
#taenia species brown thick shelled eggs w/ radial striations. Presence of refracticle hooks w/in onchosphere
Read 11 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
#idboardreview 27 F from rural Mexico exposure to 🐄🐖🐏🐕1 yr of progressive headaches, excessive drooling/ sweating, now with bladder/bowel incontinence, dec consciousness. diagnosis? #medEd #idmedEd Image
CT scan previously & recently were negative. +Single fluid-filled cystic lesion in sub-arachnoid space. Visualization of a fluid filled cyst with a scolex inside is diagnostic of #cysticercosis without further diagnostic or laboratory testing.
Serology often negative w/ other forms of neurocysticercosis who only have a single cyst but is almost always positive in subarachnoid disease regardless of cyst number.
Read 9 tweets

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