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Feb 8th 2023
If anything I have ever posted needs to go viral it is this! I found Ryan in his cell in #DCGitmo the first time they beat him almost to death for no reason almost 2 years ago and this cruel torture continues. 2 years! Please listen, share and give. I cry for this man. #helpryan
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Nov 17th 2022
Thread… 1) As I keep up with the Oathkeepers trial, mainly through honest nonpartial reporting by folks like @julie_kelly2 , and having spent much time with #J6politicslpisiner #JessicaWatkins in #DCGitmo I would like to share some insight. Firstly, Jessica is a good person …
2) As well as a caring kind soul. We Bible studied and broke bread together. Wearing the same gear she had on in DC, she was at the George Floyd riots with same full medical lit rendering aid to anyone injured regardless of side. I did not see her in DC. Which actually…
3)Brings me to another point. As much as media wants to portray everyone at the rally and protest as citizens from the same cloth, there were people there from every walk of life, every demographic you can imagine. They never gave the same impression during the previous year…
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Aug 14th 2022
1) Can you imagine, almost 2 years later, the J6’ers are still standing for the country they love as they are being held political prisoners in #DCGitmo. It’s amazing the fortitude they have. I started this tradition when I was in with them and could not be more proud. Con’t.
At least I am home for now under house arrest. Can you imagine losing everything, being held in solitary for almost 2 years for standing up for your freedom and constitution? Are you doing anything to help?
@michellewittho1 is out in front of the #DCGulag for a month protesting. Join her if you can. The sites I provided are helping and also list the pow’s personal givesendgo’s. We are being censored. Please get the word out.
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Jul 22nd 2021
@blesamerika @JoeBiden @PressSec @SpeakerPelosi @jaketapper @chucktodd @NicolleDWallace @maddow @katiecouric @JudyWoodruff @donlemon @BrookeBaldwin @DanaBashCNN @camanpour @RudyGiuliani @RaheemKassam @TuckerCarlson @RandPaul @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle @MariaBartiromo @TomFitton @csthetruth @benshapiro @HawleyMO @SenRonJohnson @SenTomCotton @RealCandaceO @mtgreenee @tedcruz @RepMattGaetz #COVID19
Joe Biden Marxist Regime wants to Mandate Experimental mRNA Vaccines to save lives, but the data says otherwise. They don’t give a damn about our lives. Wake up this isn’t about the vaccines, it is about Global Genocide! Image
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