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May 14th 2021
NEW: @DHSgov issues updated Nat'l Terrorism Advisory due to "threats posed by domestic terrorists, individuals, & groups engaged in grievance-based violence, & those inspired or influenced by foreign terrorists & other malign foreign influences"

re #DVE, foreign #terrorists,
MORE: @DHSgov bulletin "advises that the United States is facing threats that have evolved significantly and become increasingly complex and volatile"
"We are advising the public to be vigilant about ongoing threats to the United States, including those posed by domestic terrorism, grievance-based violence, & those inspired or influenced by foreign terrorists & other malign foreign influences" per @SecMayorkas
Read 7 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Happening now: @HomelandDems @HomelandGOP hearing on worldwide threats to the homeland

Chair @BennieGThompson slams @DHSgov acting director @DHS_Wolf for not showing up, accusing him of reneging on a commitment while having time "for no fewer than 4 appearances on Fox News"
.@HomelandDems Chair @BennieGThompson says @DHS_Wolf is ignoring a subpoena by not showing up
"We continue to face grave threats to the homeland, including the rise of domestic terrorism, ongoing foreign interference in the 2020 elections & a #coronavirus pandemic" per @BennieGThompson "As the person running the Dept of Homeland Security, Mr. Wolf should be here"
Read 60 tweets

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