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May 11th 2023
#SupremeCourt to deliver judgment today in the dispute between Delhi Government and the Lieutenant Governor regarding who has the power to control civil servants in the national capital.

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#DelhiGovernment #ArvindKejriwal #SupremeCourtofIndia Image
A Constitution Bench led by CJI DY Chandrachud will deliver the verdict. It is a unanimous decision by the bench. The judgment is authored by CJI.

The bench will assemble after 10.30 AM.

#DelhiGovtvsLG #SupremeCourtofIndia Image
Full court reference to honour former CJI AM Ahmadi, who passed away recently, is going on now.

After that, the Constitution Bench will assemble to pronounce judgment in the Delhi Govt- LG dispute.

#DelhiGovtvsLG #SupremeCourtofIndia
Read 23 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
[DAY 2] Delhi Govt vs LG

Constitution Bench of the #SupremeCourt led by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud to continue hearing pleas regarding the tussle between the AAP-led Delhi government vs @LtGovDelhi over control over services in the national capital

Sr Adv AM Singhvi: Let me read Article 368 once. Amendment requires 2/3rd of parliament and 50 percent states to ratify it #DelhiVsLG
Read 62 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
#Constitutionbench of #SupremeCourt headed by Justice DY Chandrachud to shortly hear the following cases:
1. Delhi Govt vs LG on control of services
2. Maharashtra Political Crisis
3. Assam NRC Case
4. Validity of extending legislative assembly reservations beyond 10 Years
Senior Advocate AM Singhvi appears in Delhi Govt vs LG on control of services

Singhvi appears for the Delhi government (AAP): I will take about a day

SG Tushar Mehta for the LG: We may take a little more

Justice DY Chandrachud: So it will be over in a week?
SG: Yes. But on September 13 week and September 20 week there are two matters: EWS and the AP law

Justice Chandrachud: Oh. So you want it after that?

SG: After EWS, there is a matter of reservation on the basis of religion and that will be heard then
Read 29 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
CJI NV Ramana led bench to hear a plea by #Delhi government challenging the Government of NCT Delhi (Amendment) Act, 2021 over the issue of administrative services #SupremeCourt
Bench assembles #SupremeCourt
SG Tushar Mehta: By way of a preface, this court is aware that article 239 AA was inserted after the constitution was framed. Initially there was concept of state were in class A, B etc. Delhi was class C state. Legislature wanted to do something

Read 21 tweets

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