Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DemDebate10

Most recents (2)

Feb 28th 2020
We monitored #DemDebate (also #DemocraticDebate/#DemDebate10) traffic for the 10th Democratic presidential debate, as we've done with previous debates. Traffic peaked just shy of 8000 tweets per minute, higher volume than any debate other then the 9th.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote The most frequently discussed candidates were @BernieSanders, @MikeBloomberg, and @ewarren. Like the last debate, the right-wing presence in the network is fairly small, mostly @TrumpWarRoom tweeting about @JoeBiden and @DonaldJTrumpJr tweeting about @MikeBloomberg.
@ZellaQuixote @BernieSanders @MikeBloomberg @ewarren @TrumpWarRoom @JoeBiden @DonaldJTrumpJr Sentiment analysis for tweets mentioning each candidate, before, during, and after the debate. Warren and Sanders entered the debate at the low end of the pack and emerged with the highest sentiment scores. Gabbard and Bloomberg wound up with the lowest.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
We've posted an analysis (or two) of debate-related Twitter traffic following each 2020 presidential election debate. We'll be adding them to this thread as we go. Some are more interesting than others.

First up, general analysis of the first #DemDebate.

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote Next up, analysis of who killed it in the first #DemDebate based on tweets containing "is killing it" or "killed it" preceded by a candidate's name.
Read 12 tweets

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