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Aug 23rd 2020
1) #2020Election F.U.D.

We've always been gaslit by FakeNews every election year. This year is no different & worse.

FEAR: Demonrats will steal the election😱

UNCERTAINTY: Can Silent Majority win?🤔

DOUBT: Joe out-polls Trump👀

Let's explore a bit…🧐👇
2) #2008Election

To look ahead, we need to look back. 2008 is a good frame of reference to start with. #HopeAndChange 1st black, yada, yada.

Impressive, but pales in comparison to Reagan's #MorningInAmerica landslide.

NoName threw the race by backstabbing Sarah Palin🙄👇
3) #2012Election

2012 is also a good reference.

The trill is gone. #Obamacare... Shovel ready jobs that weren't… #OccupyWallStreet (#OWS)...

Simply put , Middle America didn't care for fundamentally changing America.

And RINO @PierrEDelectO threw the race…😡👇
Read 32 tweets
Jul 19th 2019
1/ @TheRickWilson is absolutely right that Rs have been successful winning elections.

But like the guy born on 3rd base thinking he hit a homer he left out some pertinent details.
2/ Since Nixon Rs has embraced and committed to Pat Buchanan's vision of using wedge issues for electoral gain,

"Such gambits, he added, could "cut the Democratic Party and country in half; my view is that we would have far the larger half."…
3/ There is no wound in our national psyche that Rs won't exploit for gain - reproductive rights, God, Guns, Gays, etc.
Read 21 tweets

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