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Jan 3rd 2021
"Life imitating art" 📽️

Saw a headline last week about the #VaticanBank being involved in some mysterious money flows, so decided to watch the newly edited #Godfather 3 #Coda


For those that don't know the connections, read on... Gives the📽️an added dimension 👀🕵️‍♀️ ImageImage
In the film, Michael #Corleone is effectively trying to break from the #Mafia life & channel his family wealth into something 'legit'

To do that, he tries to exploit an opportunity with the #VaticanBank who are attempting to plug holes in their balance sheet

#Immobiliare 💸 Image
In the film, #Immobiliare is a real estate vehicle owned by the Vatican & #DonCorleone wants to buy-in with his ill gotten gains & create a European conglomerate that will elevate the family for generations to come

Now for the obvious (& not so obvious) parallels with reality Image
Read 17 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Some funny goings on in #Liverpool under the stewardship of #JoeAnderson 👀

My current viewpoint might be influenced by some of the TV shows I watched during lockdown #Subura #Gomorrah #GangsOfLondon #LineOfDuty

But, it has a whiff of a Mafia fiefdom🤯…
- Merseyside Police investigating City Council
- Lancashire Police - #OperationSheridan
- Serious Fraud Office, North West Serious Crimes Unit & GMP investigating property scams
- Council finances not being signed off by an auditor for the last 5 years

Something smells fishy🐟👀
Now, I realise it sounds bonkers to link TV shows about the Italian Mafia and how they infiltrate local councils and municipalities - I mean, that wouldn't happen in Lancashire or Merseyside... would it!?

Well, ye. It would...

Have a look 👀…
Read 35 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
THREAD: My journey into the polite, efficient belly of the beast @ BBC

I'd been asked to contribute a homemade video for #VictoriaLIVE a few months ago but it didn't get used.
This time they wanted me in the studio to talk #LabourSplit. It was a surreal experience. 1/
Phone interview night b4 w/ a nice man. Good Qs & I gave a good account of the left.

Why join Labour?
-socialisms back
-parliament stealing vote
-EU corrupt
-JCs CU has a majority
-no, many reasons
-to stop #JC4PM2019
-not since Pete Willsman
Etc 2/
I'd been waiting a few hours for that phonecall while at work. I missed one on silent & began to worry I'd missed the boat! Would they just go down a list of phone numbers & use whoever answered first?

When the call came it was a portal thrown open. 3/
Read 21 tweets

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