I'd been asked to contribute a homemade video for #VictoriaLIVE a few months ago but it didn't get used.
This time they wanted me in the studio to talk #LabourSplit. It was a surreal experience. 1/
Why join Labour?
-socialisms back
-parliament stealing vote
-EU corrupt
-JCs CU has a majority
-no, many reasons
-to stop #JC4PM2019
-not since Pete Willsman
Etc 2/
When the call came it was a portal thrown open. 3/
I thought 'I hope that wasn't TOO good & I lose my spot!' They rang back to book my train ticket.
I'm goin to London baby! 4/
I didn't quite manage to gauge their politics, probably cos I was distracted by nerves & trying to lock & load important things to say. 9/
The other guests seemed super relaxed & all had done BBC before. There was a weird lopsidedness to the panel of speakers. 10/
Then a Skype w/ #DerekHatton who impressed (but expelled next day). Then spin doctor #AlistairCampbell stank up the airwaves. Then she walked over to us. 13/
I had to find a suitable sitting position. It had to be open but not manspreading. Confident but not arrogant. Still, no fidgeting & most importantly, my JC Tee by @THTCCLOTHING had to be visible 14/
The presenter began asking us questions. The 4 folded up scruffy sheets of A4 in my pocket & my phone full of screen grabs & notes were now useless. 15/
My heart was pounding. 16/
Inspite of this I managed to drop some truth bombs 17/
I could feel the chat drawing to a close as PV was gettin unanimous support. 18/
That clip has been seen a lot less but is also dynamite. The presenter cut the segment short & I'd had the last word. 19/