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There are so many things to discuss about this battle in Qifa and Yakla against AQAP and ISIS terrorists. Yemeni anti-aggression activists have been talking about all day long, describing it as one of the most decisive liberation ever in Yemeni revolutionary war since 2015.
The jihadi elements has long history of presence in NW #Bayda even before Saudi aggression started. At one time, these Wahhabis (migrated mostly from Marib) once captured Rada'a town in 2014 near Al Quraishyah district, but the new Houthi authorities retaken it after long battle.
You can read this old article from early 2015, recalling how Houthi Ansarullah rebels were fighting AQAP terrorists in Rada'a while the corrupt Hadi regime in Sanaa were sitting idle doing nothing to root out Wahhabi terrorism.…
Read 18 tweets
24. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany πŸ€¨πŸ‘‡πŸΌ…
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany πŸ€¨πŸ‘‡πŸΌ…
Read 175 tweets

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