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Sep 13th 2021
"It’s my Blackness that makes me multi-dimentional. Because being Black in itself is inspiration"

HSBC is virtue-signalling its commitment to #BlackIdentity, which I wouldn't have a problem with, but for the fact that any expression of #WhiteIdentity is deemed RACIST.
Why do I have a problem with this? Because it's Orwellian, in line with the moral-supremacist religion/ideology of #PostRacial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism, on which it is based.

My purpose is simply to expose this ideology for what it is.
The implications of exposing this ideology are, however, profound, like exposing those of medieval church ideology, which led to the Reformation.

Profound because tied up with state authority & POWER, which there is very little understanding of on the part of social scientists.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
Chances are you that you’ve come across #PragerU's 5 min animated videos promoting right-wing viewpoints on political &social issues. The lecture-style videos have been narrated by the whos-who of the RW incl. Ben Shapiro, Dinesh D’Souza, & Charlie Kirk.…
Although it includes the word “university,” in its name, #PragerU is NOT an academic institution. It’s a conservative non-profit established in 2010 by conservative radio talk show host #DennisPrager & radio producer Allen Estrin…
According to #PragerU, the goal of their videos is “to undo [the] damage” inflicted by an education system that teaches American students that their country is “a land of inequality and racism” and a place of which to be “ashamed.”…
Read 16 tweets

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