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Jul 24th 2021
New preprint 🧵🧵🧵:
Led by @ SaahithiRao @MattKellyMD and @Duke_Childrens @DukeCHDI colleagues Wen Zhao, Jason Lang, Laine Thomas, and Ben Goldstein
#asthma #pediatrics #SARSCoV2
Remember how in #DukeBRAVEKids we found that kids with asthma seemed to be at lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection?
We decided to try to run that down using a population-level, retrospective EHR-based analysis from @DukeHealth
We identified every kid in the system (6,515) who met our asthma definition started (, lived in Duke’s main catchment area, and had at least one encounter in the two years before the pandemic
Read 25 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
New #DukeBRAVEKids preprint:
"Asymptomatic or mild symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection elicits durable neutralizing antibody responses in children and adolescents"
First off - this was again a big team effort that involved multiple investigators, from the clinical research team to the immunologists! @Duke_Childrens @TheDHVI @MattKellyMD @DebLugoPedsID @AlexRotta @DukeMedSchool @eleanor_semmes @SalliePermar @dukemedicine
Right now, we know that kids become infected with SARS-CoV-2, but the majority don't get very sick Many of the studies focusing on kids (and there are some great ones) have looked at kids hospitalized with #COVID or #MISC…
Read 31 tweets

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