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Jul 13th 2020
#Libya In today virtual conference with EU Member States & African Partners on countering #smuggling, @fathi_bashagha stressed the need of clear & unified EU strategy in Libya + requested @EU_Commission electronic monitoring equipment to monitor Libyan borders. ImageImageImage
#Libya it worth to note that the EU Ministerial conference & 5 African Partners (#Morocco #Algeria #Tunisia #Libya & #Mauritania) on #smuggling was hosted by Italian Ministry of the Interior @Viminale & Minister Lamorgese.

Invitation letter to @fathi_bashagha ⬇⬇ ImageImageImage
EU press conference by Commissioner @YlvaJohansson following the conference talking about prevent smuggling & partnership with 3rd countries (#EUTF).

Can you guess what will happen with the new Pact on Asylum & #Migration?… Image
Read 3 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
There is a crisis in 26 African countries. At least, according to the EU. Because a crisis clause, hidden in a European decision, allows the EU to circumvent her own procurement rules. #migration #eutf👇
2. We're talking about the European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF): created in the summer of 2015 at the height of the "refugee crisis". It had to provide a quick and flexible way of funding programs to tackle "the root causes of migration and displacement in Africa".
3. The problem: the EU is bypassing its own public procurement rules. It does so on the basis of a hidden clause in the founding documents of the fund, which declares a crisis in ALL countries the fund operates. That includes stable countries like Ghana and Senegal.
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