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Feb 14th 2023
🚨#BREAKING: Active shooter at Michigan State University, reports of multiple victims

📌#EastLansing | #Michigan

Currently, Multiple police are responding to an active shooter Police are reporting multiple shots have been fired on or near the Michigan State University……
🚨#UPDATE: Multiple people are injured; dispatchers report 911 callers are screaming on the line
🚨#UPDATE: Shooting has been confirmed on Michigan State University campus, multiple victims reported. Lockdowns and evacuations ongoing.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
On mask enforcement, @GovWhitmer says "locals are going to get more active in assisting on this front."

"We're actively at looking at how do we take additional steps to increase compliance here in Michigan," she added.
Whitmer's mask-wearing push is centered around keeping down #COVID19 cases so schools can reopen for in-person instruction in 8 weeks or so.

Based "on the trajectory we're on," Whitmer said, "it's very much in question."
Ingham County health department says there are now 174 cases of #COVID19 linked to the mid-June outbreak at Harper's bar in #EastLansing.

Those cases have been found in 16 counties.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
Underway in Lansing...

@GovWhitmer holding a press conference detailing her plan for restarting public schools in Michigan.

#COVID19 update as well. Image
Gov. Whitmer highlighting #COVID19 outbreak of 100+ new cases via crowding inside Harper's bar in #EastLansing, leading to spread to a party in #GrossePointe (as reported by @freep's @TBaldas)

"We have to learn from this instance here in Michigan."…
Whitmer urges Michigan residents to have small gatherings this #FourthOfJuly weekend, avoid "a crowded sand bar up north."
Read 8 tweets

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