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Jun 14th 2023
šŸ§µ WITHOUT GOOGLING - name a famous historic battle: #EastEnders cast, crew & fans editionā€¦šŸ«¶šŸ» ImageImage
WITHOUT GOOGLING - name a famous historic battle: #EastEnders cast, crew & fans editionā€¦šŸ«¶šŸ» ImageImage
WITHOUT GOOGLING - name a famous historic battle: #EastEnders cast, crew & fans editionā€¦šŸ«¶šŸ» ImageImage
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May 20th 2023
ā€œdo you know what i often think about, i think mightā€™ve talked to angieā€ #eastenders
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May 8th 2023
The fact that #EastEnders has the entire community coming together and wholesomely cheering during the coronation, meanwhile, at the actual coronation street party I got roped into attending, people were loudly taking bets on how long Charles is going to last until he carks it.
'I'll be honest, I don't rate him.'

'No worries, there'll be another one of these soon.'

'Yeah, I give him five years tops.'

#EastEnders should let me rewrite this episode using real quotes from an actual working class community's coronation street party.
People keep crowing about the sense of 'community', but this isn't recognisable to me in anyway. This isn't what my local community celebration was like. Where's the dissent? The arguing? The bad taste jokes? The sarcasm? The people who hate it all and only showed up for cake?
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Dec 20th 2022
THREAD: Here it is, the big #EastEnders catch-up thread for people who only see it when they go home for Christmas with the family. Allow me to get you all caught up on the goings-on in Albert Square in its most explosive week of the year! The Eastenders title screen with me in front of it, some xma
To kick things offā€¦Phil, Kat and Alfie. Ok. So. Alfie and Kat were married, right? Theyā€™ve been married, split up, got back together, cheated, not seen each other for years, got back together about a thousand times. Theyā€™re meant to be together. kat alfie phil
Alfie is a bit of an absent father but heā€™s come back in the last few months to REALLY make an effortā€¦and he is doing everything he can to win Kat back! On Friday night THEY KISSED BY THE WALFORD CHRISTMAS TREE! So itā€™s back on? alfie and kat kissing by the albert square xmas tree
Read 33 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
THREAD: This thread is for people who will be at their family home for Christmas and therefore watching #EastEnders for the only time in 2021. Allow me to get you all caught up on the goings-on in Albert Square in its most explosive week of the year! Image
Weā€™ll start with Chelsea and Deniseā€™s wedding storylines! Denise is the wayward Chelseaā€™s mother and theyā€™re both marrying their fellas on the same day: Christmas Day! Thatā€™s nice isnā€™t it. Image
Denise is marrying her longterm boyfriend Jack who is nice. Image
Read 32 tweets
May 14th 2021
Ah @bbcnews. Started as a newsroom assistant, then I went into local radio. Via uni, I got a gig on On The Record at 4 Millbank (now defunct Sunday show) and then I freelanced for a while. I worked with some of the best. Now I'm desperately saddened by the @bbc. A thread...
What depresses me is that the @bbc has always been a political football. Even in the Birt days, there was always pressure to be pro Govt. But editorial teams soldiered on and told the story they should tell. Today, we have something pernicious and quite different: ...
A bunch of client journalists like @laurak and @chrismasonbbc who no longer abide by Auntie's own impartiality principles taking every opportunity to make opposition parties look awful. Of course, this is because current Tories are now running the show. It's a win-win for Govt...
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
Watching #EASTENDERS is a different experience in the #Coronavirius era. They like to reference current affairs, especially big public events like elections, sport and jubilees... and #Brexit. Not possible with #COVID19
#Eastenders cannot reference the coronavirus because the set is locked down. But even if they could film, itā€™s a soap opera, which depends on people wandering around the locale: interacting, gossiping and eavesdropping.
Every now and then #Eastenders do a ā€˜bottle episodeā€™ set in one room or house, with limited characters. Itā€™s good and fun when they do itā€¦

But the reason theyā€™re good is because theyā€™re unusual. Eastenders is not a set of discrete plays.
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Mar 8th 2020
THREAD: How the #Eastenders characters are dealing with coronavirus.

PHIL MITCHELL: Refuses to wash his hands, says ā€œitā€™ll take more than some poxy virus to take me downā€ even though he had a liver transplant and is very high risk and everyone is extremely worried about him.
DOT COTTON: Keeps going on about Spanish Flu, something she knows an awful lot about despite being born after it happened. People have started turning off the news because as soon as COVID-19 is mentioned Dot starts on about Spanish Flu again.
IAN BEALE: Has bought several hundred packs of loo roll and Kathy has had to move out of her room and sleep in the lounge coz he is using her room to store all the loo roll. Demands his family donā€™t tell anyone in Albert Sq about his stash of loo roll coz theyā€™ll want in.
Read 15 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
The sound used to exemplify a hearing loss on #EastEnders was an excellent move. Look at tā€™comments from hearing people complaining re. sound. They experienced that for 30 seconds at most?! We experience the lack of subtitles / accessibility on a regular daily basis 1/
As for some of us, we have been deaf since birth/since childhood. Deafness not always something that needs to be cured/fixed. Can totally appreciate gg deaf as a teen/adult v disjointing. If deafness/BSL was celebrated & embraced, maybe attitudes would be different 3/
And it wouldnā€™t be the ā€˜end of the worldā€™ for many. Think how many elderly go deaf. And the recent research to show how it contributes to dementia etc. Itā€™s not the deafness that is the problem but how quickly society casts you aside in all manners of life with a hearing loss 4/
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