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Feb 13th 2020
The @FBI published a wanted poster and an indictment of 4 “Chinese military-backed hackers” for their alleged roles in the 2017 #Cyberattack against credit company @Equifax.

Article by @JoshJPhilipp | (Thread👇)…
The @FBI described the breach as “the largest known theft of personally identifiable information ever carried out by state-sponsored actors.”

Yet, despite the rare exposé of Chinese soldiers, little has been said about the #Hacker unit they were allegedly part of.
The case that most closely resembles this is the May 19, 2014, indictment of 5 Chinese #Military hackers for multiple alleged #Cybercrime acts committed between 2006 and 2014.

They were identified as being part of the #Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army.
Read 19 tweets
May 7th 2019
It’s been nearly 2 years since the #EquifaxBreach – & Congress still hasn’t acted to protect consumers or prevent the next breach. So @MarkWarner @RepCummings, @CongressmanRaja & I are reintroducing a bill to impose massive, mandatory fines when companies expose personal data.
.@Equifax let hackers steal personal info from almost 150 million Americans. If this bill had been the law before the breach, the company would have paid at least $1.5 billion in fines, half of which would have gone straight back to affected consumers.
.@Equifax didn’t just allow the breach to happen. It also initially refused to come clean with the public & help consumers protect themselves. And according to a new Congressional report, the company is STILL failing consumers months later.…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
The @FSCDems hearing is under way! Follow along here, throughout the morning, to stay up to date on what the HFSC is doing to hold the credit reporting bureau accountable to protect Main Street Americans ...
.@RepMaxineWaters: "Our nation's consumer credit reporting system is broken"
.@Equifax CEO Mark Begor begins his opening statement by apologizing for the hack that took place and exposed more than 145 million Americans data.

You can read our op-ed from 2017, when the hack became public -->…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 7th 2018
The Senate is expected to pass the #BankLobbyistAct – with Democratic support. But I'm not going down without a fight. ​I've sponsored a series of amendments to fix major flaws in the bill and add important consumer protections. Here are all 17:
1. Amend the #BankLobbyistAct to prevent rolling back rules on banks that received over $1 billion in taxpayer bailouts during the 2008 crisis. They already wrecked our economy once – we can't let them do it again.
2. Amend the #BankLobbyistAct to prevent rolling back rules on banks that are under Justice Department supervision after being busted for breaking the law. They broke the rules already – they shouldn't be rewarded with less oversight.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 1st 2018
I spent 5 months investigating the #EquifaxBreach, and found the company failed to disclose the full extent of the hack. Today, @Equifax acknowledged that 2.4 million MORE people were affected than initially reported.…
.@Equifax can’t be trusted. Their mistakes allowed the breach to happen, their response has been a failure, and they still can’t level with the public. Enough is enough. We have to start holding the credit reporting industry accountable.…
I have a bill with @MarkWarner that would impose massive, mandatory penalties when companies like @Equifax expose millions of Americans’ personal information. If we want to prevent another #EquifaxBreach, the Senate should pass it.…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 10th 2018
When hackers accessed the sensitive data of 145 million Americans, @Equifax let weeks go by before notifying the millions at risk. And that was just the beginning of the nightmare.…
In October, when I asked the CEO about the precise extent of the breach, he couldn’t give me a straight answer. So for five months, I investigated it myself.…
My investigation revealed the depth of the breach and cover-up at @Equifax. And since I published the report, Equifax has confirmed it is even worse than they told us.…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2018
It’s clear that @MickMulvaneyOMB isn’t interested in protecting consumers from the next #EquifaxBreach – but I am. That’s why I launched an investigation into the breach 5 months ago. Here’s what I found. (The details are worse than you think.)…
Hackers didn’t just get a glimpse at the data of millions of Americans – they stole it from @Equifax’s system and could have access to it forever. #EquifaxBreach Image
Despite its many security failures, @Equifax used a loophole to get a big contract from the IRS after the breach. It then raised its prices – cheating American taxpayers out of millions of dollars. #EquifaxBreach Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5th 2018
Another middle finger from @MickMulvaneyOMB to consumers: he’s killed the @CFPB’s probe into the #EquifaxBreach that affected more than 145 million Americans.
For months, @MickMulvaneyOMB has tried to use the @CFPB to coddle the payday lenders and banks that have financed his political career.…
We can’t rely on bought-and-paid-for @MickMulvaneyOMB to do anything about @Equifax. Congress needs to take action – like passing the bill @MarkWarner & I introduced to ensure there are severe, automatic penalties for credit bureaus that expose your data.…
Read 3 tweets

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