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May 6th 2022
This is gonna be an epic 🧵 of show clips that also contain all the intel to give peeps perspective on how important it is 2 keep track of the $vix along with $spy & those epic Goku levels 😁👉this show covered some #Metaverse #NFT tings as also😼👉
This is a clip from the insanely well timed show “Foto 📸” where we not only gave a tour of our @RTFKT #Lootpod & intel on #VirtualRealEstate but also helped peeps a ray of 🌞 in an otherwise very 🌧 late Feb as markets were derisking rapidly $spy #nft
Skeleton Krew 💀 a very aptly named show is definitely also a set look fav cooked up by @directorvale 🙏😻👉 in this show we used discord / show sentiments 2 #TA an instabanger in both $TSLA & $btcusd #Bitcoin  this show was full of all kind of 💎’s

Read 35 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
#Lanz 6.7.2021 #MustSee Virologin Dr. Jana Schroeder @DrJanaSchroeder zum Thema #DeltaVariante & #Impfung:

📌 Delta ist wesentlich übertragbarer - eine „Art“ #SuperspreaderVariante

📌 Wir müssen so schnell es geht impfen, damit nicht die Variante das Wettrennen gewinnt!

#Lanz 6.7.21 @DrJanaSchroeder:

📌 Irritierend⚠️: Kinder haben sich solidarisch verhalten + jetzt wird quasi d. Solidarität d. Generationenvertrages aufgekündigt, wenn alle Erwachsenen Impfangebot bekommen haben‼️

📌 Es gibt nur noch Entscheidung: Infiziert oder geimpft!

#Lanz 6.7. #MustSee Virologin @DrJanaSchroeder:

📌 Warum Impfdebatte? Wir wissen doch, was das Virus alles für Probleme machen kann, ua. Multisystemerkrankung - bei Kindern #PIMS, #LongCovid.

📌 Viren haben Langzeitfolgen, alles Dinge, d. wir bei d. Impfung nicht kennen.

Read 5 tweets
Jun 4th 2021

Really, what else are you even watching today #ASCO21!?! /1
.@PamelaKunzMD starts by sharing the #ASCO20 team decided to postpone session b/c it was so important to them. And they really wanted to get MEN in the room. ❤️that #heforshe leadership, @BurrisSkip; See the influence of @MLJohnsonMD2 and @tmprowell all over this! #ASCO21 /3
Read 16 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Check out new report by @zacharyhaver:

#Sansha City in #China’s #SouthChinaSea Strategy: Building a System of Administrative Control”

Great @ChinaMaritime Report #12 continues #CMSI tradition @NavalWarCollege!…

With>20 exhibits ImageImageImageImage
Back in 2017, @ChinaMaritime Studies Institute Director @peter_dutton approved my proposal for a #China #Maritime #Report series & invited @KennedyMaritime & me to contribute the inaugural report.

11 editions later, this series is better than ever!

@zacharyhaver's work = proof. ImageImageImageImage
#China established #SanshaCity in 2012 to administer most of its #territorial & #maritime claims in the #SouthChinaSea.

@zacharyhaver probes nearly a decade's developments there with insights & detail that will amaze & fascinate many.…

#MustRead #MustSee ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jan 12th 2019
NEW: FBI Opened Counterintelligence Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia Against the United States - The New York Times…
FBI was suspicious of candidate Trump’s ties to Russia but held off opening an investigation…in part b/c they were uncertain how to proceed w/ an inquiry of such sensitivity & magnitude. Then Trump’s conduct as POTUS—firing Comey, bragging to Russians in Oval abt it—changed that
Fmr FBI Counterintel Asst Dir @FrankFigliuzzi1: Investigation reported in @nytimes would have to have surpassed the evidentiary threshold from preliminary into full inquiry. The worst case scenario is investigating whether the POTUS is working for Russia against the US. #Maddow
Read 17 tweets

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