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Jan 20th 2022
Good Morning #GImedTwitter

🌅🌄🌇Whether you are waking up in San Francisco…..or not (Curse you COVID-19😡)

🧑‍🏫Get ready for 3 packed days of presentations at #GI22

And to get the🧠started, we are going to share our
Top 10 Targeted Therapy Abstracts🎯


Once again HER2🎯💊is everywhere #GI22

👉The DESTINY trials have been👍4⃣T-DXd

➡️T Yoshino, et al "RAPID" Abs 119
⏩53 "Group A" HER2+ RASWT CRC pts
⏩ORR 45%, mOS 15.5 mos
👍Even with prior HER2 Tx
😨But GR>=3 AEs in 65% of pts, 9% ILD
#TumorBoardTuesday #GI22

✅DESTINY-Gastric 01
➡️K Yamaguchi, et al "RAPID" Abs 242
⏩Randomized Ph II trial of >=2nd line💊
👉T-DXd vs. Physician’s choice (PC) which was Iri or Paclitaxel
⏩mOS 12.5 v 8.9 mos
⏩ORR 51% vs 14%
😨But Grade >= 3 AEs were 86% vs 57%
Read 11 tweets
Jan 29th 2021
Here is a tweetorial from our latest publication in @Annals_Oncology about longitudinal tracking of esophageal adenocarcinoma. #OesophagealCancer #EsophagealCancer… 1/8
We sequenced 245 plasma samples from 97 patients with oesophageal adenocarcinoma using a 77 gene pan-cancer ctDNA panel. 2/8
Variants derived from previously characterised driver oesophageal adenocarcinoma genes had a significantly higher VAF than variants from other genes, indicating selection. 3/8
Read 9 tweets
Dec 29th 2020
Background: Liquid biopsies have the potential to become an invaluable tool in the management of #cancer.
That’s why, it is important to generate solid evidence to define areas in which they can guide treatment decisions.

@OncoAlert 🚨 #LiquidBiopsies #PrecisionMedicine
Accordingly, this paper by @LizzySmyth1 & team in @myESMO @Annals_Oncology on the prognostic value of longitudinal ctDNA 🧬💉 assessment in #EsophagealCancer #esocsm addresses a very relevant question.
@OncoAlert 🚨 #PrecisionMedicine #LiquidBiopsies…

✅ 97 patients that underwent neo-adjuvant chemotherapy & resection with a total of 245 available samples were identified in 🇬🇧 OCCAMS consortium dataset.

✅ Samples were analysed w a pan #cancer ctDNA panel

@OncoAlert 🚨
Read 7 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
Here is our Tweetorial from our Nature Medicine paper published today. (1/8)…
DNA from patients with Barrett’s oesophagus can show who is most likely at risk to develop oesophageal cancer up to *8 years* before cancer is diagnosed, improving detection and decreasing overdiagnosis. (2/8)
Using a low resolution whole genome sequencing method, we looked for signals of copy number changes in the DNA. This is common in tumours and important in oesophageal cancer. Samples from patients with early cancer showed more changes than samples from patients who had not. (3/8)
Read 9 tweets

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