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Jul 5th 2022
Let's make a deal. Our devout and thoughtful will pray and think a little more, so our 100 Senators can focus their attention on making OUR thoughts and prayers come true--that they come back from vacation to protect us from being murdered as we try to celebrate our "freedom."1/7
I remeber when I first saw this @TheOnion article in 2014. Despite the fact it has been able to be republished on what feels like a daily basis, politicians are still in office who are funded by the NRA. 2/7…
One of the amazing things you learn when you run for office, is the absurd amount it costs to get your name out. Not only does it allow you to advertise to more people, but many voters (and other donors) view your ability to bring in money as a qualifier for holding office. 3/7
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May 25th 2022
As the mother of a daughter who is disabled, I’d just like to remind you that not all of our children can “run for their lives.”

As per usual, the most vulnerable are the most vulnerable.

Let me tell you about the special hell of sitting down with a team of people at your school to talk through the scenario of an active shooter and who would help your disabled daughter out of the school. You know, the daughter who can’t run for her life.

“You mean the exit next to the music room isn’t accessible?”

“Yes it would be ideal for two teachers to carry her down the stairs, but honestly someone just grab her and run.”

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Aug 5th 2019
The past week has been shocking: #DaytonShooting #ElPasoShooting #GilroyShooting #BrownsvilleShooting. We've all got to do our part on #gunviolence in America. That starts by learning about the problem and solutions. Over the past year & a half, I've devoted myself to this cause.
Season 3 of my podcast @ISIHpodcast has covered #gunviolence in America. In our first chapter, we tackled the unique history that produced America's gun culture. In our second chapter, we delve into how race and gender intersect with guns and gun violence.
@ISIHpodcast In the third chapter of Season 3 of @ISIHpodcast we focused on #guns themselves: do more guns lead to more vs less crime... what does it look like when people use guns in self-defense... instrumentality... & the impact of Australia's gun buyback.
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