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Apr 23rd 2022
Congrats, I heard you won $61bn in the lottery

Thanks, I guess inflation has some benefits

What are you going to buy?

I’m thinking shares, I don’t like the negative real yields of bonds & cash

but I’m worried about the macro outlook, so I want the latest info

Well let’s
take a look at 2 companies that reported on Thursday night to see what’s on offer

For $61bn, you could buy 100% of Freeport-McMoran, (#FCX ) the world’s 3rd largest copper miner

sounds interesting, I know EVs use lots of copper

Revenue for trailing 12 mths (TTM) was $25bn

Operating income was $9.6bn (GAAP)

and Free Cash Flow (FCF) was $5.6bn

~ 10% FCF yields sound great

Yes, but copper prices are high so maybe earnings aren’t sustainable

Ok, what do management think?

CEO - “The case for copper as a commodity is strong. I've been saying
Read 11 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
#DowJones #NASDAQ #SP500

Leadership has changed in the markets

Since the March lows, tech, specifically cloud-based tech has lead the markets higher. Companies like #Square #SQ have more than tripled in share price while the S&P 500 is up 40%
However, in the last few weeks this has changed. Former market leaders like #SQ or #Shopify #SHOP have been trading sideways

Meanwhile, industrial plays like @FM_FCX #FreeportMcmoran #FCX and #JohnDeere #DE have barely corrected at all, soaring to new highs.
The market is sensing that the next major move will be driven by fiscal spending and the @realDonaldTrump #Trump administration’s coming infrastructure program
Read 4 tweets

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