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Sep 25th 2022
That #reactnative #Fabric & #TurboModules migration was a big pain, especially that I had Kotlin and Swift code to migrate, so it’s a big relief to have it done. And there is lots of completely undocumented stuff I wish I knew that would made it a lot easier to migrate Fabric & TurboModules migra...
If you care about backward compatibility, supporting #Fabric & #TurboModules is realistically doable only from version 0.70+ (Swift support + Kotlin fixes + CMake builds instead of NDK + autolinking for Android available only in rn cli v9 which is available in RN 0.70+)
Android side is easy:
- declare additional newarch nad oldarch sourcesets
- create seperate newarch/oldarch "entry" files for your module/viewmanager
- use existing module/viewmanager files as a "common" implementation
Read 14 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
I want to start a new thread story. Not sure how long it will be and I may use different prompts: #vss365 #vssmagic #vssnature etc etc ... I love reading about legends and folk lore, and in my fantasy writing I often create my own myths. So this will be just a fun exercise...
According to #lore &myths of old,griffins nestled on these cliffs long ago. They swooped down on the unsuspecting;carried them off never to be seen again.
Griffins were not elemental creatures,but air & earth did have dominion over them; their only enemy -fire.
#vss365 #vssmagic
"I helped your troupe avoid #shadow and #gore," said the dark wizard simply, implying that he saved us from the mythical griffins. I gaped at him. "And now for what you promised."

"No," I was careful not to get trapped in words, "I said: after you summon her."
#vss365 #vssmagic
Read 132 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
For the quilt lovers...I am posting some pics of the quilts I saw at MQX Quilt Show ~ I hope you all enjoy! I will put them in a thread.
Read 23 tweets

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