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Apr 15th 2023
Exchanges have distinct rules on disclosure, w/some being more strict than others. The #TSX #TSXv & #ASX are recognized as leaders, while other exchanges such as the #AIM #LSE #OTC #NASDAQ have poor disclosure requirements, & companies may choose not to release information 🧵
The #TSX requires companies to produce an independent technical report that is available in full to investors, while the #ASX only requires companies to publish highlights from these reports. For producers, the ASX has more rigorous quarterly reporting requirements.
Various US-listed #lithium companies do not disclose prod. or cost figures. #ASX equities must only use Measured & Indicated resources to calculate mine life in their PFS & FS, Inferred resources are not allowed. This can affect bottom-up stock modelling.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
Today in downtown #Minneapolis and across the U.S., #RiseUpForPeltier events are happening for the international day of solidarity with Indigenous political prisoner #LeonardPeltier. Peltier's supporters say he was wrongfully convicted in 1977 of killing two FBI agents. 🧵… ImageImageImage
Last Fall, the Leonard Peltier 'Walk to Justice' went from Minneapolis, the birthplace of the American Indian Movement (AIM), which Peltier co-founded, all the way to Washington DC with the purpose of raising awareness around Peltier's case. [Videos] ↕️…
As #AIM started their 1,103-mile walk to DC last year, Unicorn Riot spoke with Kathy Peltier, #LeonardPeltier's youngest daughter, who said "There was false affidavits, and ballistic testing didn't match, and so he is innocent even after 46 years." ↕️
Read 6 tweets
Jan 14th 2023
@retheauditors @premnsikka 1/‘ Investigation in to #AIM listed #RevolutionBeauty unveils "serious issues" over the way the business was allegedly run under previous senior managers’. Revolution hired Macfarlanes to investigate after their long term auditors #BDO ‘reared up’.
2/ Yesterday it reportedly emerged that Macfarlanes had discovered Revolution made "unacceptable" loans to senior managers, requested distributors book orders worth £9m to meet y/end financial targets + failed to consider key info. when acquiring a company owned by its chairman.
3/ Revolution’s auditor prior/during/post #AIM listing was #BDO. BDO & Mazars were criticised in 2022 by the UK audit regulator #FRC for ‘unacceptable’ audits (the worst auditors inspected for the 2nd year running). Meanwhile over in the US ‘BDO USA botched more than half of …
Read 6 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
#VLRM look to get final confirmation of the #GSX deal, morphing from basically a Spac into one of the world's first fully regulated exchanges crossing the digital divide, between #fiat & #crypto!
So for under 12 Million MCAP what's currently not priced in & what can we expect...
🔥The #GSX is a regulated exchange market (Tier 1 exchange) which also holds an Multi-Lateral Trading Facility ("MTF") licence for the listing of specific forms of security under MiFID.
#markets #StocksToBuy #stockstoinvest #Aquis #aim
🔥#Juno - 3 areas of licensed operations cover the formation & management of trusts & similar entities, the administration of funds, a broad range of activities, like fiat & crypto currencies & the formation & management of companies in #Gibraltar / jurisdictions worldwide.
Read 16 tweets
May 28th 2022
1/11 🧵
10 reasons why I think @AsiametTweets will be the next big #AIM winner, becoming a globally significant polymetallic producer, focused on copper first.
#Asiamet #ARS
2/ Macro environment has never been more favourable. Copper demand is on the rise, supply is in decline. Simple equation where the result spells trouble. And therefore opportunity.…
3/ Management done it all before. Experience from:
Rio Tinto, Oxiana, Oz Minerals, Tigers Realm Group, EMR Capital, C3 Metals, Baramutiara Prima, Newcrest Mining, BHP Billiton, Exxon Mobil, Freeport McMoran, Merdeka Copper Gold, Bumi Resources, Agincourt Resources...
No newbies.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
10 Predictions For Blockchain, Crypto Assets, DeFi, And NFTs For 2022 onwards! @ValereumPLC @FrontierFinance
1. Bitcoin price reaches $100,000 USD & the crypto asset market grows in breadth and depth
2. Ethereum undergoes upgrade & remains the dominant smart contract platform
3. #Crypto investments become more sustainable
Issuers of #ETPs, #crypto #exchanges, mining companies, & financial institutions are interested in offering #green products & services to their customers
4. #Web3 infrastructure paves the way for the decentralization of the internet
5. #NFTs and #blockchain-based gaming become a source of income
It remains exciting to wait for the dawn of the multi-chain world. Once value transfers are seamless across different crypto-universes, this could spur a new wave of adoption, and the NFT and blockchain-based gaming
Read 20 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
Comment exploser ses stats #AIM


On va commencer par le début de cette façon, même ceux qui débutent ne seront pas perdus

Oublie pas de RT pour aider un maximum de personne qui utilise AIM
/!\ Disclaimer /!\

Ce thread n’est en aucun cas une incitation en investissement, il en résulte de mes expériences avec la plateforme AI Marketing

#CaPartDeLà !
Un adage est apparu ces dernières années qui dit :

“Le million ou rien”

Ça fait partie de ma philosophie ne pas avoir de plan B

Je ne suis pas en train de vous assurer que vous allez devenir millionnaires avec #AiMarketing
Read 35 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
I want to start a new thread story. Not sure how long it will be and I may use different prompts: #vss365 #vssmagic #vssnature etc etc ... I love reading about legends and folk lore, and in my fantasy writing I often create my own myths. So this will be just a fun exercise...
According to #lore &myths of old,griffins nestled on these cliffs long ago. They swooped down on the unsuspecting;carried them off never to be seen again.
Griffins were not elemental creatures,but air & earth did have dominion over them; their only enemy -fire.
#vss365 #vssmagic
"I helped your troupe avoid #shadow and #gore," said the dark wizard simply, implying that he saved us from the mythical griffins. I gaped at him. "And now for what you promised."

"No," I was careful not to get trapped in words, "I said: after you summon her."
#vss365 #vssmagic
Read 132 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
👉 Présentation
#AiMarketing (#AIM) est un market bot.
En bref, il fonctionne comme iGraal.
Vous achetez via le lien #iGraal et vous recevez du cashback.
AIM va simplement faire de la publicité avec votre lien donc si une personne fait un achat avec, vous recevez du cashback.
👉 Trop alléchant ? C'est un scam ?
La très grande majorité des ignorants vont te dire que AIM est un "ponzi" car ça rémunère trop.

De la même manière, que si tu parles des cryptos qui ont 500% APY à Papy avec son Livret A à 0.5%/an il va te dire que les cryptos sont des "ponzi"
En d'autres termes, quand quelque chose parait trop beau et que tu n'y connais rien le 1er réflexe est de penser à une arnaque. C'est normal !
C'est pour cela que vous devez vous renseignez avant de croire tout et n'importe quoi !
Read 16 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
Doc I'm stressed, I need a #CoffeeBreak

How trying out #SmallTestsofChange and #PDSA could be used to improve staff #Wellbeing during a long medical ward round

Would be great to see what you think, and if you have tried something like this.

Follow #Thread and click on pics
During a consultant ward round on a 30 bedded respiratory ward, one of our ACP's said that she found the 4-hour long ward round stressful and tiring, and was wondering whether we could include a break of some sort for a cup of tea or coffee #changeidea. To refresh the staff.
The consultant was worried that if we did this, we may not complete ward round by 1pm and potentially delay management of patients. And lead to even more stress!
Read 12 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
Nowa Cumig - ‘In the Center of the Universe’

American Indian Movement. #AIM now and forever.
Dennis Banks and Russell Means meant so much to me growing up - juxtaposing a Kirsti Noem Tweet with AIM leaders feels like sacrilege.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
Takeaways from today’s maternal mortality review in Mississippi
1. All mothers should have a postpartum visit at 2-3 weeks as per @acog. Within 1 week with hypertension or other serious dx. Several deaths occurred at week 4-5, before 1st scheduled follow up.
2. Suspect peripartum cardiomyopathy w/ cough, ⬇️appetite, fatigue, SOB, orthopnea, in the weeks to months postpartum. Get an echo or at least a CXR. Be highly suspicious of new albuterol Rx in a new mother without asthma..
3. Emergency departments -screen for pregnancy and postpartum status know elevated risks of stroke, cvd. and listen to mothers. Several mothers were told “you are too young for...” before dying of that very thing.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
1-We have been talking about #Mantras and their place in the #Vedic #Tradition.

Today, let’s dwell on the #Shakti Mantras – quite perhaps the most #esoteric and #Powerful entities in their own right. (1/19)

2-A word of caution here.

Shakti Mantras are like an Atomic Bomb

They are extremely powerful

..and should be practiced with due consideration, initiation and guidance by your #Guru and under your full #Intuition. (2/19)

@ijyotish @shashankupadhy_

3-Fundamentally, Shakti Mantras are extremely powerful, mono or single syllabled mantras.

In the higher Yogic practices they have a special usage. (3/19)

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Feb 3rd 2019
Attracted by infamous #ViolentUpside of past #Uranium Bull Markets? 🚀🌜 #Investment choices are limited in this tiny niche sector with only ~60 companies left standing of over 500 #U3O8 related #stocks a decade ago. In this thread I will try to lay out some #investor options..🗂️
For lowest risk #investment in #uranium best option is a traded Fund that holds Physical #U3O8. ⚛️ In North America that's Uranium Participation (#TSX: $U OTC: $URPTF) & in #UK that's Yellow Cake PLC (#AIM: $YCA). A 3rd choice, Uranium Trading Corp $UTC, is set to IPO in US. ✍🏼
If you prefer to #invest in baskets of #uranium #stocks through ETF's for 1-trade in & out #U3O8 sector exposure, only 2 real choices. In North America, Global X Uranium ETF $URA on #NYSE, Indexed by Market Cap📊 In UK, Geiger Counter Ltd Fund on LSE: $GCL cherry-picked by PM's🍒
Read 19 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
@neel_shah @AJOG_thegray @everymomcounts @WRAglobal @AWHONN @ACNMmidwives @acog @DONAIntl @childbirth @MHTF @Unnecesarean @katybkoz THREAD 1. I’ve been sitting on this tweet for awhile because, I have to say, I’m really angry about the Clark et al opinion article. Facts are scant in this editorial and there’s a lot of wishful thinking.
@neel_shah @AJOG_thegray @everymomcounts @WRAglobal @AWHONN @ACNMmidwives @acog @DONAIntl @childbirth @MHTF @Unnecesarean @katybkoz 2. I respect my colleagues and the folks doing this work well before I stumbled into it a couple decades ago, but…
@neel_shah @AJOG_thegray @everymomcounts @WRAglobal @AWHONN @ACNMmidwives @acog @DONAIntl @childbirth @MHTF @Unnecesarean @katybkoz 3.Yesterday I had a conversation with the *3rd* hospital who has been making GREAT progress with reducing CS who feel like they have “hit a wall” and the “Clark article is really having an impact.”
Read 21 tweets

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