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Jun 14th 2022
| A #Hannigram photo story
#Fannibals #Hannibal |

Hannibal had Will.

Will had Hannibal.

That was how it was supposed to be.
They had their ups and downs, like any couple.

But their downs often turned violent. They would joke that they'd "be the death of" each other.
Until, one day, it happened.

Hannibal wasn't careful enough.

He only meant it to be a superficial wound, then they would make up, and he'd patch up his beautiful boy once more.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
๐Ÿงต#artbook #fanart #fannibals #art #artists
1. The #artistsontwitter community is amazingly talented. I've supported many fan-run Kickstarters for artbooks. Now publishers are now getting in on it. Sadly fan artists who are not contract-savvy are open to exploitation...
2. I've seen a lot of tweets about an upcoming themed fan art book to be printed by an indie publisher. They set up a Kickstarter & raised over $160,000. Some artists were invited to create art for the book & subs were opened for everyone else.
3. To submit, artists were required to send in a completed work of art & wait to see if they were selected.
If selected they would not be paid a cash fee.
They would get a (insert drumroll...)
Free book, and of course, Kudos. (Whoop)๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
Read 11 tweets
Feb 3rd 2019
Richard loves Mt Rushmore, thinks itโ€™s epic. Difference between UK and America, brits want the next drink, American wants the next meal! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Francis use Blake painting for inspiration like a religious icon he could worship, worships it, creates the tattoo, aspiring to something. Then steps over a line where inspiration consumes him and more powerful but grows and eventually conquers it. All in flux.
Read 35 tweets
Feb 2nd 2019
What drew Richard to acting? Richard was usually reading a book, loves storytelling! Most excited about work from literature! #hannibal #fannibals #hannibalcon #rdc5 #richardarmitage @RCArmitage
Loves telling a story! Thatโ€™s why also drawn to audiobooks! #hannibal #fannibals #hannibalcon #rdc5 #richardarmitage @RCArmitage
Read 51 tweets

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