6 years ago, 35 tweets, 36 min read Read on Twitter
Richard loves Mt Rushmore, thinks it’s epic. Difference between UK and America, brits want the next drink, American wants the next meal! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Francis use Blake painting for inspiration like a religious icon he could worship, worships it, creates the tattoo, aspiring to something. Then steps over a line where inspiration consumes him and more powerful but grows and eventually conquers it. All in flux.
Richard vs. Dragon scene one of the most exciting scenes Richard has ever shot. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard’s drama school never really locked him down and helped find his own way through, no singular method. Richard very open to new ideas, that way can surprise himself! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard signed John Crane in Brooklyn museum visitor’s book - from the novel, Richard read the book ;) #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard easily excited about literature and stories - doesn’t really persue glory, wants to be passionate about it. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard seems to be coming full circle on people he worked with early in his career. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Nice to bring back something to people who gave him opportunities earlier in his career. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard values truth, especially in these days. In youth read about gunpowder plot, used word “equivocation.” Most politicians are equivocating right now, bend truth to seem like truth and telling a lie. His Red Dragon would be equivocation, I think something he wants to conquer?
Richard thinks language and words are amazing but shuts down a possibility, because language is very specific. But emotional response, first port of entry physical feeling, trying project that through visual image is fascinating. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #RichardArmitage
For Francis - bodily motion makes up for what he can’t have in speech. Richard looked to Butoh, a kind of movement expression born out of Hiroshima Trauma, an incredible form of expression. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard listened to post surgery cleft palate voices, had surgery but not successful, then physical form. Richard enjoys sometimes being alone, sometimes can go for days without talking to people and voice changes. Almost forget how to make a noise. #rdc5 #RichardArmitage
Almost like pressing against atmosphere, in your own place, you fill it, in others press against it. Dolarhyde really sensitive to his environment, connected with Reba because she was a bit deprived of her senses. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard fascinated with middle ground between dance and theater. Pina Bausch, work with body and voices in a big scale. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard is collecting stories he wants to develop, wants to own material. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Fredrick Chilton deserved it, Richard thinks it was actually kind of pleasant. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard was at a play reading into New York and Raul walked in. Richard said come here, let me give you a kiss. He didn’t want to. Richard doesn’t know why!!!! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard wanted to be Legolas, this airy elf, but ended up being this dark dwarf, really changes your self perception. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Missed boat on LOTR, but got to see Peter Jackson, he was in pain from an injury and on pain killers. Audition scene was between Thorin and Balin, did it a bunch and then forgot about it. But got it! It was life changing. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard has a lot of loyalty, tries to lead with that. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Would love to revisit John Proctor on film!!!! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Richard has sunglasses and a credit card in pocket! “Sums me up doesn’t it” #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Thorin needed to look like a warrior but so small, end result was like a tank he had to get into, costume was drilled in, no fastening. Bolt it together. Couldn’t really breathe out. Like a Victorian lady in a corset, but looked great! #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon
Richard studies his face in character, face does change. For Crucible, way he looked at end very different, aged 10 years. Something changed. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
With Dolarhyde, extension of that, couldn’t look at his own eyes only look at his mouth. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Opinion of Francis and Reba developed between story, script, and meets in Rutina. Needs to meet other person before deciding how it would go. She was incredible and it felt different from book. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Some of most interesting scenes in the dark room, could barely see, could only hear. In that environment almost equal, with moments leaping out of the dark. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Old masters of art painted in dark canvas with shares of light, that was Revas character, glimpses of light through darkness. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Old masters of art painted in dark canvas with shares of light, that was Reba’s character, glimpses of light through darkness. #hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Sandra Bullock told Richard to ask whatever he wanted and responded to everything he sent! She was so fun to work with. #Hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Kissing Anne Hathaway and thinking, “I’m your weird English dad” #Hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
Performing a book is the first bridge between literature and the visual. Sees the pictures in his head and describes it. #Hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
“Wolf Alice” tale and Princess Melting, Angela Carter, warped fairy tale Richard read for international women’s day, thought could be incredibly visual. #Hannibal #fannibals #rdc5 #hannibalcon #RichardArmitage
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