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Sep 3rd 2020
G20 Foreign Ministers' Extraordinary Meeting was convened by the current G20 Chair, Saudi Arabia on Thursday; This virtual meeting was convened in the backdrop of #COVID19Pandemic crisis; EAM @DrSJaishankar represented India 🇮🇳

#G20SaudiArabia Image
EAM @DrSJaishankar apprised the G20 Foreign Ministers about the steps taken by India including #VandeBharatMission and creation of 'travel bubbles' for the welfare and protection of foreign citizens stranded here as well as Indian citizens abroad. #G20SaudiArabia
EAM @DrSJaishankar called on Governments around the world to ensure that interests of foreign students are protected and movement of stranded seafarers back to their home country is facilitated
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Feb 24th 2020
Nul ne sait si l'épidémie de #coronavirus va devenir une pandémie mondiale

Une certitude, par contre : le virus "de la croissance du #PIB" ravage les cerveaux des ministres des finance des pays du #G20

Si addicts et obsédés qu'ils ne voient rien d'autre.

#Santé Image
@FranceG20 @BrunoLeMaire @Economie_Gouv @attac_fr Ce #G20 "finance" tenu à Riyad (Arabie Saoudite) illustre à nouveau les oeillères des dirigeants de la planète : ils ne jurent que par la croissance du #PIB, éludent l'effondrement écologique, et évoque à demi-mot le climat pour ses possibles impacts sur le système financier Image
@FranceG20 @BrunoLeMaire @Economie_Gouv @attac_fr @atterres @Novethic @Actuenviro @lemonde_planete @20minutesplanet @Reporterre Dans le futur, s'ils restent des historiens pour éplucher ces déclarations des #G20, ils se demanderont comment a-t-il été possible que tant de savoirs scientifiques robustes sur le changement climatique n'aient pas obligé les décideurs de la planète à changer de religion.
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Feb 23rd 2020
After a busy two days at the G20 meetings in Riyadh, G20 finance ministers urged countries to implement #FATF standards on cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets. See the full communiqué here➡️ /1 @g20org #G20SaudiArabia #FollowTheMoney
@g20org The G20 also reiterated the need for so-called “global stablecoins” to be evaluated before being launched. The FATF is actively monitoring stablecoins and other emerging assets. 2/
@g20org The G20 reaffirmed its support to strengthening the FATF’s global network of regional bodies and called for the “full, effective and swift” implementation of FATF’s international standards. 3/
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