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Jun 20th 2022
Thread: There are 10 major problems caused by discriminatory per country limits on employment based green cards — over 1 million people in America cannot do the following without risking deportation:

1) change jobs

2) travel abroad to visit dying relatives

3) start a business
4) develop or file patents

5) report abuse or sexual harassment in the workplace

6) be the spouse or child of someone in the backlog who dies

7) be the child of someone in the backlog and turn 21

8) get a promotion to a much higher position in the company
9) ask for their visa paperwork or ask to participate in their visa petition process (including choosing their own counsel);

10) treat medical patients outside of medical employer practice.

(Plus many other side problems — kids cannot compete in US sporting events, etc)
Read 4 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
Dear @FWDus the problem of H-4
children aging out is solely caused by racist green card backlogs.
What @FWDus is doing is like hoping that a COVID will go away using temporary pain medication, while what is really needed is the vaccine to eradicate the virus of racism in our immigration code.
Groups like @FWDus are portraying as if age out issue is separate from backlog issue. Dividing our families like this is morally repugnant & political gamesmanship. Tell @FWDus to stop pretending to help.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19th 2020
1-#MyStory- Decade of my life is lost in search of American Dream,being labor &showing excellence in 9 to 5 job,law-abiding,paying taxes, with kids close to age-out,my dreams are crushed, American dreams are JUST that dreams!
#S386IsFair #PassS386 #HR1044
2-I wish i get back my 10 yrs stolen life,stolen with misinformed dual intent #h1bvisa , #greencardbacklog despite being vetted twice USCIS&US DOL,APPROVED for GC have2wait for150+yrs?
#EBGCountryCap make #NoSense my last hope is #S386 which is also being crushed by @DickDurbin
3-Not untill 4Yrs back was aware of this indentured servitude caused by #NationalityDiscrimination #ModernSlavery in a Great Nation while world is watching & laughing for its ages-old IMMG policy, adding to it, #Durbin who sabtoge #DACA #LegalImmigrants but doesn’t help in REAL
Read 14 tweets

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