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Jul 19th 2020
1-#MyStory- Decade of my life is lost in search of American Dream,being labor &showing excellence in 9 to 5 job,law-abiding,paying taxes, with kids close to age-out,my dreams are crushed, American dreams are JUST that dreams!
#S386IsFair #PassS386 #HR1044
2-I wish i get back my 10 yrs stolen life,stolen with misinformed dual intent #h1bvisa , #greencardbacklog despite being vetted twice USCIS&US DOL,APPROVED for GC have2wait for150+yrs?
#EBGCountryCap make #NoSense my last hope is #S386 which is also being crushed by @DickDurbin
3-Not untill 4Yrs back was aware of this indentured servitude caused by #NationalityDiscrimination #ModernSlavery in a Great Nation while world is watching & laughing for its ages-old IMMG policy, adding to it, #Durbin who sabtoge #DACA #LegalImmigrants but doesn’t help in REAL
Read 14 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
On July 1, Senators Kirsten #Gillibrand, Senator Chuck #Grassley & Senator Ted #Cruz announced they will offer the bipartisan #Military Justice Improvement Act as an amendment to this year’s National #Defense Authorization Act.… #NDAA #MJIA #PassMJIA
From Senator Gillibrand's press release: "The Military #Justice Improvement Act would professionalize how the #military prosecutes serious crimes by moving the decision over whether to prosecute them to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors." #MJIA #PassMJIA
"Despite years of Congressional reforms, thousands of service members are raped & sexually assaulted every year. In many of those cases, the assailant is someone in the survivor’s own chain of command." -- #military #MST #MilitarySexualTrauma #MJIA #PassMJIA
Read 18 tweets
Sep 27th 2018
Sortant de mon après-midi de khôlles et de cours et après avoir regardé le témoignage de #BlaseyFord, je vous le dis comme je le pense: #Kavanaugh est fini. Et ce tweet du très renseigné #Sherman sur #Trump me conforte.
2) Pourquoi #Kavanaugh semble être "mort à l'arrivée" pour la nomination? Car comment imaginer que 50 sénateurs puissent passer outre 1 témoignage précis et si émouvant donné déjà bien avant le choix de #Trump? Le "100% sûre"est insurmontable SAUF…
3) seule chance de #Kavanaugh est que les républicains du Sénat choisissent 1 immolation collective ultime pour verrouiller la #CourSuprême au prix d'1 désastre séculaire auprès de l'électorat féminin blanc aux #midterms...Mais ce suicide politique aurait 2 conditions...
Read 31 tweets

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