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Aug 1st 2020
If you are a Christian voting democrat, just remember that on Judgement day you will be standing before God and you will have to answer to Him on why you supported those who stood in direct opposition of His Word and murdered His creations calling it "healthcare".
2) Abortion is an incredibly horrific choice in a world where birth control is available everywhere and should be reserved to only the most extreme cases of rape, incest or health endangerment of the mother. Abortion solely for planned parenting should not be an option, EVER.
3) I have a serious spiritual struggle with the practice even in cases of rape, incest or health endangerment, which is why I think that those cases should be left up to the individual and then they can answer for their choices to God Himself when the time comes.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
“…And in emergencies, quibbling, persistent political opposition is always on the defense, and often unpopular. It requires pointing out bad news in desperate times; and that, though essential, is rarely popular.”

- Andrew Sullivan comparing the Covid Plague and AIDS/HIV 1/4
I met Andrew in DC in 1991. He was the editor of the New Republic (published, by my mothers first husband - Martin Peretz— my father was - briefly - her second)

Andrew was - and is - a transformative and inspiring thinker. Even when we don’t always agree. #respect 2/4
I spent 8 summers as his and Aaron’s neighbors in Provincetown- Aaron is a doll. Their dogs - Dusty and Eddie and my Rottie,Truman, would frolic on the bay beach.

This is our 2nd Plague in 30 years. Fuck. No one should have to try to survive two. 3/4…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
This is from a study released 3/15 - it’s 3/20

@GovRonDeSantis gaslit us in Florida. We taught people to flatten the curve and how much that w/help.

He refused to #shutthebeaches. When the first person you know dies — DO NOT FORGET WHAT HE DID

(1). The unprecedented spread of SARS-CoV-2 owes to its high transmissibility (2), pre-symptomatic
transmission (3), and transmission by asymptomatic infections (4). An appreciable fraction of
infections are asymptomatic
(5), and many others result in mild symptoms that could be
mistaken for other respiratory illnesses (6). These factors point to a potentially large reservoir of
unobserved infections (7), especially in settings where capacity to test for SARS-CoV-2 has been
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
Dear #SC #Resisters
If you are in the #Lowcountry area or can get to Downtown Charleston tomorrow by 5:30 or so (tardiness is no problem!), grab some friends and come on down to #MarionSquare! This pre-impeachment House vote rally may be the single best time to have our...1/5
voices heard by our Do-nothing, trump butt-kissing, corrupt af senators @LindseyGrahamSC and @SenatorTimScott! We need to #ShowUp #SpeakOut & #GetLoud! We have to make #LeningradLindsey sweat hanging onto his comfy seat! Make the #GOP more afraid of losing re-election than...2/5
they are of #PutinsPuppet and his Twitter account! Make them FEEL the need to #DustOffTheirResumes! I know it's a work day & night; apologies but if you can make it, your presence will definitely be of great service to our Democracy! 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2018
The flavour of the day is book stuffing! Strap your seat-belts and let's take a ride through a land of no principles! I apologize in advance for I may or may not use puns and reference old movies...just because. #bookstuffingsucks #getloud
From the dawn of the times they came, offering bonuses and information on upcoming releases... I'm talking about back matter, not immortals. Traditional publishers have always included "bonus content" in the back matter.
Bonus content has always been identified as a preview of the next book in the same series of the author's next release, information about the author or even similar authors int he same imprint. Most of that content was often limited to 5% of the full book.
Read 36 tweets

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