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Apr 1st 2023
Just finished paying back my student loans 🎉🎉🎉

(no, this is not a cruel April Fools' joke)
I went to UNC on a mix of scholarships, grants and Stafford loans.

Had about $13K in debt at graduation at a 3% interest rate.

Just paid over time and balloon paid the rest today bc the loan's servicer was changing (and I had a little bit left)
TG for good public schools and financial aid.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022

(if u don’t understand why Jumpman and the Tar Heels are related then sorry we can’t be friends)
Puff Johnson is HIM 😤 #goheels
Read 4 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Podium presentations starting now... #ABM2022 First up: #breastfeeding disparities and #SUID Image
Study included 4 years of births in US and linked SUID deaths #ABM2022… Image
Mediation analysis estimated the extent to which breastfeeding disparities explained differences in SUID rates #ABM2022 Image
Read 21 tweets
Mar 14th 2021
My bracket is gonna get crushed by one of my big picks getting COVID, I just know it
Oh god, we got Wisconsin in the first round.

Buh-bye, it was fun.

Read 4 tweets
Feb 21st 2021
So...we’re up by 20. #goheels
35 🤩
40!!! #goheels
Read 6 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
By "multiple examples," D'Souza means ... two.

And for his "examples" he names historians who actually have addressed Democrats' past support for slavery, segregation, racial terrorism and lynching -- Eric Foner and Robert Dallek.

Let's take a look!
Here's the podcast, and you should listen, if only to see D'Souza claim that he's not going to engage in credentialism before mocking me for attending a state school for my undergrad and a lesser Ivy for my PhD (around 49:00)

True? #GoHeels #Cornell…
Now, if you missed it, here are some of the examples I and others provided of "progressive textbooks" that note the simple fact that Democrats were the party of slavery and segregation.

Read 7 tweets
Jun 20th 2020
Very proud to have been a part of this team effort here at @UNC.

High-density amplicon sequencing identifies community spread and ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the Southern United States…
We show that the D614G mutant in the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is becoming increasingly prevalent in symptomatic cases in North Carolina. We also show that community transmission is the primary driver of virus spread in the Tar Heel state.
This was done through deep-sequencing of 175+ SARS-CoV-2 positive samples. Our deep-sequencing approach was sensitive and accurate, complementing current testing protocols.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 29th 2019
Tip-off: I’m gonna be good today and catch up on studying.

U4 media timeout: maybe I can take a break for the second half.

also locked out of my Kaplan account so maybe the basketball gods are teaching me a lesson.

(side note: need some help @KaplanSchweser)
Good win (for seeding and for confidence).

Bacot played next level today.

Also whew, we need to get healthy.

Read 3 tweets
Sep 13th 2019
Value ($RLV) outperformed growth ($RLG) by nearly 3% this week.

That doesn’t happen at stock-market highs. Since 2000, the S&P 500 has been an average of 18% from ATH when value has outperformed growth by this much in a week.
In fact, the last time value outperformed growth like this was August 2009. Not saying we’re heading into another 10 years of raging bull, but this is interesting.
The last time value outperformed growth by this much when was within 1% of all time highs was March 2000.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 8th 2019
2-0. #goheels
Astute observation from the UNC bar: this is as many wins as we had all of last year. #goheels
Also, one penalty for 5 yards. That’s huge. #goheels
Read 3 tweets

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