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May 8th 2023
I asked AI to reimagine all 32 @NHL mascots. πŸ’

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Metropolitan Division (1/2)

#LetsGoCanes | #CBJ
#NJDevils | #Isles ImageImageImageImage
Metropolitan Division (2/2)

#NYR | #FueledByPhilly
#LetsGoPens | #ALLCAPS ImageImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Nov 1st 2022

Dave Dryden. Edmonton Oilers. The first cage/mask combo. RIP.πŸ™

Patrick Lalime, Ottawa Senators. #GoSensGo

Clint Malarchuk, Washington Capitals. #ALLCAPS
Read 18 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
As a Brazilian hockey and soccer fan who likes soccer jerseys and loves to see jersey concepts for hockey I couldn't help but to wonder how they would look like and since I didn't find something like that I created one for each team! Image
Disclaimers: soccer jerseys usually have a sponsor and since we don't have that in NHL I simply used the helmet sponsors (for those cool guys that don't have one like Avs and Flyers I used the one from arena naming rights)

Teams are in abbreviation order!

Ok let's go!
1 - Anaheim Ducks
#FlyTogether @AnaheimDucks @DucksBRA

It's pretty simple but I think it looks fine, didn't want to mess something Image
Read 36 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
OTD in 1959, after taking a shot from Andy Bathgate in the nose, Jacques Plante leaves the game & returns wearing a mask.

This is a (mega) thread to Plante & to the mask wearers who followed. Some great goalies/masks do not appear & some appear more than once.

Gerry Cheevers and his iconic mask. The first to have markings on it. #NHLBruins

I considered doing a thread just on Michel Dion's mask.

#Pens #LetsGoPens
Read 139 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
My sources are telling me that Eichel to the Sens is certainly a possibility, but the Sabres would want Shane Pinto as the main piece going back. That's most likely a no-go for Ottawa
Could things change in the future? Never say never. But the Sens organization considers Pinto to be huge part of their middle six moving forward and it would take a better piece than Eichel to pry him out of Ottawa. #GoSensGo
Read 4 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
Weekly 5v5 Team Charts Thread (March 1st):
Expected Goals For vs Against (5v5) - March 1

The #GoHabsGo are still the class of the league when it comes to scoring chance share at 5v5. The #Canucks are crazy and high-event. The #GoStars and #LGRW are playing low-event defensive hockey. Image
Goals For and Against (5v5) - March 1

The #LetsGoBuffalo simply cannot score. The #GoSensGo simply can't get a save. The #GoBolts are having a great time though! Image
Read 8 tweets

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