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Most recents (3)

1) Questo thread è per ONORARE gli eroi che sono stati permanentemente messi a tacere per aver tentato di denunciare il traffico sessuale, il prelievo di organi e/o il Pedogate. Loro sono #GoneButNotForgotten e possano RIP🙏🏼 #KilleryIsTheMostEvilPersonOnThePlanet Ringraziando…… Image
2) Nancy Schaefer ha esposto il traffico sessuale di minori e la vera verità dietro i servizi di protezione dell'infanzia: “Condividerò con voi il potere illimitato del servizio di protezione dell'infanzia. Ho prestato servizio nel Senato dello Stato della Georgia e dopo quattro…… Image
3) Ted Gunderson è un ex capo e informatore dell'FBI. Ha esposto: ◦Satanismo nella CIA ◦Le scie chimiche esistono ◦ Gli attacchi terroristici e l'11 settembre sono opera del nostro stesso governo ◦ Traffico di droga ◦ Controllo mentale MK Ultra ◦IlluminiNATTI Per questo è…… Image
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1)This thread is to HONOR the heroes who were Permanently silenced for trying to expose sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and/or Pedogate.
They are #GoneButNotForgotten and may they RIP🙏🏼

Also thanking the Heroes who continue fighting to help exposed Child Sex Trafficking while rescuing Children from being Trafficked may God continue to protect them and keep them safe🙏🏼
2) Nancy Schaefer exposed Child Sex Trafficking and the real truth behind Child Protective Services: “I will share with you on the unlimited power of Child Protective Service. I served in the Georgia State Senate and after four years of viewing the ruthless and unsparing actions……
3)Ted Gunderson is an EX-FBI chief and whistleblower.
He exposed:
◦Satanism in the CIA
◦Chemtrails are real
◦Terrorists attacks and 9/11 are done by our own government
◦Drug running
◦MK Ultra mind control
◦The IllumiNATTI
This was why he was silenced…
R.I.P. Ted……
Read 29 tweets
Feels like an opportune moment for an evergreen Police Brutality Thread Alert 🚨... #GeorgeFloyd #BLM #SayHisName #ICantBreatheAGAIN
Circa October 2014: Racism and Darren Wilson Supporters: Not a Coincidence. | via @docrocktex26…
Circa October 2014: "He Reached for My Gun," and Other Fantasies Invoked by Police Who Kill Unarmed Black Men | via @docrocktex26…
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