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Apr 13th 2022
Ok #AcademicTwitter. This month, I'm entering my 3rd year of PhD! yayy🎉

I was looking through my 1st research journal and found these "tips" I had written for myself. I thought I'll share them here.

So, here's a 🧵of #PhDtips for those starting their PhD!

#PhDlife #PhDchat Image
1. Maintain a #PhDjournalđź“’
Experiments, results, failures, meetings w/ guide, seminars, weekly plans, proposal brainstorming, talk prep - everything related to your PhD in one notebook.

(coursework & journal notes can be separate, but I used the same note. 1 note/year for me)
2. Read a lot of journal articles. A lot.
It is the best way to take your research forward!

(I wanted to try the #365papersChallenge, but couldn't keep up. I read way fewer papers than I want myself to. This could be my sign from the universe to step up!)
Read 9 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
1/n - As a grad student/fellow for 5 years, the experience isn’t a whole lot. However, permit me to share a few tips/lessons I have learned in grad school for the benefit of intending grad student.

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife #phd #msc #gradlife #graduateschool
2/n - You should not underestimate the importance of reading and studying. There’s always something new in your field. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be aware of advancements in your field. It will help you look forward to “what’s next” in the field.
3/n - Before you’re in grad school (I’d put this up there too), do a great deal of research into your choice of mentor. That mentor will play a great role in shaping what kind of researcher/student you become. Trust me, you want to watch the kind of shoulders you stand on.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
Here's how I got my PhD funded and you can too! A #Tweetorial on NIH Diversity Supplements for the advisor/PI and the candidate. #FridayFunding #PhdLife #GradLife #EpiTwitter #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter #BlackEpiMatters #BlackInSTEM (1/n)
The gist?!
You (PI and Candidate) write a grant to supplement an existing, eligible, parent award. The grant should (1) propose research that is a part of the ongoing research of the parent award and, (2) discuss research career development of the candidate (2/n)
If you have a trainee from an underrepresented group, you should:
(1) apply for NIH diversity supplement funding to help fund their education! (2) have an active and eligible grant or cooperative agreement from a participating government funding agency... (3/n)
Read 10 tweets

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