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Sep 2nd 2020
#Smartgrids: Peer-to-peer energy trading is a great #gridedge application!
Günter Mögele, a real #renewableenergy pioneer, gives valuable insights into the role of a prosumer in the "pebbles" project. In the @SiemensInfra solution, user-friendliness is crucial.
Curious how the #Pebbles #blockchain-based peer-to-peer energy trading APP looks like? Here is a screenshot of the savings and additional income that a prosumer generated with a #solarpower plant!
#Wildpoldsried is not only the home of #Pebbles peer-to-peer energy trading but has also a long track-record in #renewables & #sustainability.
The town in the German #Allgäu has won the #EuropeanEnergyAward several times. And is proud of it—with good reason! 🏆
Read 4 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
1/ It's time for another quarterly briefing from the #GridEdge team @WM_PowerRenew! We cover tech, business models, and policy/regulation in the grid edge space, at both customer and distribution levels. Some key observations about Q3 2019:
2/ Q3 2019 saw a huge bump in disclosed investment in the grid edge space. The majority (>$1b) is capital from Volkswagen, Goldman Sachs and BMW for Northvolt's battery gigafactory, connecting 2 hot markets: storage & EVs.
3/ A notable M&A transaction also focuses on EV: @EDF_Renewables NA acquired PowerFlex Systems, a smart charging platform, echoing other energy players’ interest in EVs. (Note that you can download more Q3 figures here:
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