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Dec 11th 2021
Every mountain has its own unique characteristics. Let us see, 20 unique facts about #Nilgiri district in #TamilNadu.
#Ooty #Kotagiri #Coonoor #Gudalur #Cauvery #Chaliyar
1.#Nilgiri hill has triangular shape with each side facing a different direction, influencing the weather 1/n
2. Nilgiri could also be divided into three region based on main monsoon and rainfall period.
3. West-South West Nilgiris dt gets main rainfall in #SouthWestMonsoon during summer. Places like Devala, OValley, Upper Bhavani, Avalanche, Glenmorgan, Naduvattam, Gudalur.etc 2/n
4. #Avalanche got 911mm rainfall in 24hrs (highest in South India) and 1731mm in 48hrs - Highest after Kashi hills in #India.
5. East facing mountain regions like Ooty, Kotagiri, Coonoor, Ketti receive their main rainfall during winter in #NothEastMonsoon
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