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Jul 24th 2022
We “low income” should be CELEBRATING the $11.13 increase we SO KINDLY RECEIVED from our new government on our “baby bonus” Right?
YEAH, BECAUSE A raise of $11 month will REALLY CHANGE MY Quality of Life!… 🎊🍾🥳🍻🎉 I decided I’m going from a “beer budget to a
champagne diet” & write letters of thanks🤦🏻‍♀️! DONT give us what we need, give us JUST Enuff to make U look good & feel better about ur policies, but we’re still ‘perishing from a systematic disease’ & ur still making us ‘BEG 4 Bandaids?’🤦🏻‍♀️AFFORDABLE HOUSING FIRST!#HaltonHousing
4 ME personally, I have 15-25YRS MAX left in my lifetime. I DONT CARE what happens to ME! I care ONLY about my #CHILDREN having a CHANCE @ successful life, to #BreakTheCycle of #Poverty & Statistics. I just want to THRIVE in a #HOME, that can bring THEM #HOPE 4 THEIR #generation
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