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Sep 11th 2020
Please enjoy our new #preprint, "High-throughput discovery and characterization of human transcriptional effectors"! 😀

We tested thousands of protein domains and mutants for the ability to repress/activate #GeneExpression and ID effectors in 600 proteins…
For many human #TranscriptionFactors & #chromatin regulators, we know more about *where* they bind than *how* they regulate expression

To find effector domains in an unbiased way, we tested a library of the majority of nuclear protein domains with our new method, HT-recruit Image
We find hundreds of human #repressor domains, including several domains of unknown function Image
Read 13 tweets
May 9th 2020
Gordian is speaking at the (virtual) #asgct2020. Come hear how we do entire #HighThroughput #GeneTherapy screens for #ComplexDisease, all in a single animals. We'll show large animal data, and some basic #AAV biology we learned along the way. Tuesday 13:45 EST, Room 312. Image
There's some tough competition in the #ASGCT20 program today, especially from the juicy #AAV vector biology session.
But if you're curious about how #GeneTherapy can be extended to non-monogenic diseases, I think we've got the Tuesday afternoon market cornered!
Coming up in 10 minutes! in session "Aav vectors preclinical and proof of concept studies in optimizing the toolbox". #ASGCT20
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Apr 11th 2019
Mr. #BigQuery himself - @jrdntgn - on stage.
As I'm sitting in this talk, @jrdntgn is dropping a lot of things that #BigQuery can do in a short amount of time that I am not sure one can get the magnitude of how awesome they are until some reflection (kind of a slo-mo replay).

I'll try to point some of them out in here.
1/ Wanted to wait until I can refer to the actual recording on YouTube (here it is ).

So, here we go ...
Read 14 tweets

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