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0/40+ #IOTA ♻️ is the basis for a new type of IT infrastructure for global communication and automation, which manifests itself in 40+ incredible projects, collaborations & company adoptions.
Stay tuned for a regular update.
1a/40+ #ALFRIED is one of the largest German, publicly funded digital transport infrastructure projects. With a funding of 11 M €. ALFRIED will use #IOTA ♻️ as its core technology.
#IoT #SmartCity #SmartMobility
1b/40+ ETO GRUPPE is developing sensors for the transport infrastructure in a funding project of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the ALFRIED project together with #IOTA.
Read 105 tweets
#Intrasoft Technologies, Cmp 84.65
~Above 108 area, this might go to 585 levels!

~Also, December 2017 high made by this stock is 854!

~Company is regularly paying dividend from last 10 years including 2020 as well!

~This share can't become zero this way.

~Company with Zero Promoter Pledge

~Book Value improving from last 2 years

~Strong Momentum: Stock is trading above short, medium & long term moving averages

~Might be a turnaround story & become a multibagger like #Tanla Platforms!

~Some #RedFlags also there, so Do Your Own Research (#DYOR) also


#HeroOrZero #Turnaround
#Watchlist #StocksToWatch
Read 4 tweets

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