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May 16th 2023
while the whole crypto world is burning due to Ledger Gate 🔥, we will just continue to look on the latest updates on the #IOTA 2.0 node protocol development. Image
2️⃣ This week we got a lot to cover. A few changes on the GoShimmer repository and big steps on the #IOTAcore implementation. Furthermore we got a lot of information from the Research Engineering Team that helps to understand the direction of the development. So let's go:
3️⃣ Last week i said #GoShimmer has finally abandond, this week we are seeing very minor changes around a specific test case. @jonastheis_ also commented on it, saying that: The team will continue to test things on GoShimmer that are not yet available on #IOTAcore. Image
Read 23 tweets
May 15th 2023
Why #Shimmer & #IOTA use a DAG structure instead of a blockchain for their L1? Well, one of the main reasons comes down to scalability.
🧵 1/7
#Test2Conquer #shimmer Image
Scalability issues of blockchain can be traced back to the basics of its design - blocks come 1 by 1 and there is a defined block size and block time.
If you know those last 2 values in a blockchain, you can easily calculate the expected TPS. 2/7
So nothing easier than increasing the block size and/or decreasing the block time, right?
Well, no. It is proven that this approach introduces security risks and decreases decentralization, often also impacts reliability (*cough* Solana *cough*). 3/7
Read 7 tweets
May 10th 2023
@SPYCE_5 Launches as the First #IOTA Foundation Spin-Off Entity.

Experience High Scalability & Energy Efficiency with SPYCE.5's Tangle Architecture.

Let’s dive into the new addition to #IOTA’s evergrowing ecosystem👇🏼🧵

#Shimmer #IOTA $SMR #SPYCE.5 @iota @shimmernet Image
What I will be covering in this thread

-Benefits of SPYCE.5
-Unlocking the Potential of Automation
-Sustainable Web3 as a Service

SPYCE.5 is a new spin-off entity of the IOTA Foundation that offers blockchain and Web3 infrastructure, data, and digital identity as a service for enterprises, builders, creators, and developers.
Read 19 tweets
May 9th 2023
Shimmer is more than just a staging network for #IOTA.

@shimmernet is a fully-functional network in its own right with great utility.

In this thread🧵, we will discuss the various features & use cases of Shimmer👇🏼

$SMR #ShimmerNetwork @iota #iota @shimmernet Image
What I will be covering in this thread:

-Shimmer Network
-Shimmer Ecosystem
-How Shimmer Works: Feeless and Scalable
-$SMR Token

Shimmer Network

The #Shimmer Network is a staging network for $IOTA and operates as a Tangle-based multi-asset ledger.
This ledger enables users to mint their native tokens and NFTs with the Stardust Tokenisation Framework Protocol Upgrade. This upgrade also allows smart contract chains anchored to $SMR to transact with other chains on the Shimmer network.

Shimmer Ecosystem
Read 11 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
🚀Join TanglePay as an #IOTA Web3 Developer! 💻 Develop & maintain cutting-edge dApps using Blockchain/DAG technology. Collaborate with our team to create scalable, secure & user-friendly solutions. Proficient in TypeScript, React, Go, Rust, or Java? Apply now!🌐 👇
1/ Job Summary:

We are seeking a highly-skilled IOTA Web3 Developer to join the TanglePay team. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining decentralized applications (dApps) using Blockchain/DAG technology.
The IOTA Web3 Developer will collaborate closely with other developers, product managers, and designers to ensure that our applications are scalable, secure, and user-friendly.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
1/20 Introducing @shimmernet: The Ultimate Scalable Multi-chain Network ⚡ 🌐 $SMR $IOTA
2/20 Shimmer: Is it L1? Yes and no.

But let's not get hung up on technicalities. Shimmer belongs in this thread series because of its huge potential for growth. I'm sure some of you may disagree, but let's dive in and see what we can uncover. 💪
3/20 #Shimmer is designed as a multi-chain network focused on scalability, flexibility, and interoperability. Its goal is to enable the creation, connection, and security of sovereign blockchains, applications, and ecosystems.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Want to stay updated on the latest #IOTA developments?

I got you covered.

Check out these threads I wrote highlighting some important #IOTA updates for 2023👇🏼🧵 Image
An overview of some upcoming #IOTA projects in the pipeline:
learn more about some of #IOTA's key features and elements
Read 7 tweets
Mar 17th 2023

Lets take a look at the new Medium article from
@iotapes on @Medium

First of all, what is ApeDAO ?

ApeDao is a community-centered joint-investment DAO with a focus on DeFi opportunities in the #IOTA and #SHIMMER ecosystem.


ApeDAO was seen for the first time on February 13, 2022 on Twitter.

started as a ''one man'' show (@0xAlphaRho ) just to find some core contributers a few weeks later

in names:


2/12 Image
the big rugfest started on April 16th, 2022 and was sold out within 9 minutes 👀

This was a big success and the iotapes. collection got very popular in the #IOTA and @soon_labs Community


Read 13 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
Dr. Bing-Yang Lin, Senior Software Engineer at the #IOTA Foundation, just presented some first research results on the robustness of the IOTA 2.0 consensus mechanism! 👀

Non-technical summary below! 👇🧵
1/ What are the objectives of IOTA 2.0?
2/ What is the Tangle?

The Tangle is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

Rather than transactions created by users being incorporated into blocks by miners, users function as both the miners and the creators of transactions.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
DeFi Education Session by @banklessconsult

Part 6: Tokenomics 🫰

🧵 for the #IOTA & #Shimmer community! 👇
What is a token?

A thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc. ➡️ bundle of property rights

Real-life examples:

🔹 Dollar bill
🔹 Coupon
🔹 Highschool diploma
General attributes of a token:

Token type: fungible or non-fungible

Token unit: fractional, whole or singleton, indicating whether a token can be divided into smaller fractions or if there can be a quantity greater than 1
Read 24 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Do you want to protect your privacy and security without using centralized IAM solutions?

Learn about @iota's Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) project: Login With IOTA.

Let’s dive in🧵👇🏼 Image

For the last couple of decades, Identity and Access Management (IAM) has been a critical topic on the internet, allowing users to be on-boarded in various systems like e-commerce, social media, and e-governance.
However, IAM has had to make tradeoffs between security, centralization, and privacy, often favoring centralization at the expense of privacy and security.

The Emergence of SSI
Read 15 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
Exciting developments in the IOTA ecosystem

Here's a breakdown of the latest updates

Let’s take a dive🧵👇🏼
Shimmer Network to Test and Confirm IOTA's Technical Roadmap

To hasten IOTA's technical roadmap, all fundamental protocol upgrades and functionality upgrades will be first made available on Shimmer to test and confirm.
The $SMR token is the native token of the Shimmer network and will be used to settle execution fees on smart contract chains.

Shimmer EVM to Enhance Network Utility for DeFi, NFTs, and More
Read 8 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
On top of being the most centralized crypto in existence (one iota coordinator controls all iota transactions), #iota is also the most active token printing machine. 🧵
#iota monetized its testnet, codename shimmer, printing 1.45 QUADRILLION new #smr tokens into existence, thus sabotaging its main token #miota.
Afterwards, shimmer denominated its supply by 1 million times, without as much as a community voting, and increased shimmer's supply by an additional 20% (iota is the FED of crypto, printing new tokens out of thin air because why TF not)
Read 53 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
We have to stop calling it "crypto-currency". We are definitely not creating currencies that will replace fiat currencies - that idea is long dead.

We are building unstoppable, programmable infrastructure for digital economies that benefit everyone.
There is only one technology that allows for unique, immutable digital records of data - and that is Blockchain.

The applications that are enabled from this innovation are endless, and we must focus on making those a reality and stop wasting time on pipe dreams.
Tokenization is key to our future - and to break up the digital divide.

We will empower people to take back control of their digital autonomy and participate in digital ecosystem in new ways that will put them in control and ownership!
Read 8 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
[1/🧵] A brief #thread on how to properly download and verify your newest #IOTA #Firefly Windows version. 😉 Source:
[2/10] You might be wondering why @iota doesn't allow you to download & upgrade the version via the client.

To be honest, this would definitely improve usability (#UX), but it would also need the user to trust the DL content.

That is precisely what we do not want with #crypto. Source:
[3/10] Who knows whether the network path from #github to your PC wasn't intercepted and a man in the middle (#MITM) replaced your downloaded program with a slightly different one.

To ensure that the program you are installing is the one meant for you, verify the #hashes. 👀 Source:
Read 11 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
The $kas founder, Yonatan Sompolinsky, pops up all over the place in crypto. Just take a look at his Scholar page . Thousands of citations of his research .…

Let’s dig a little deeper.
lets Start with the most obvious ones many of you will be familiar with. $eth #ethereum white and yellow paper. Located here…

just Ctrl + f his name to confirm .

#ETH ImageImage
Next up #Polkadot .

$dot is Another well known and respected project from Gavin Wood. Yonatan appears in their Grandpa paper here :… Image
Read 50 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
With #smartcontracts on the scalable and feeless #Shimmer network, we will see the rise of frictionless, decentralized and scalable #web3 economies. 🚀

We gathered our six major use cases for you! 🧵👇
1) Energy management

Shimmer is well suited for energy markets, real-time data management and moving #carboncredit or #renewable energy certificates without transaction costs.
2) Digital Identity

Shimmer is ideal for #NFTs, native tokens and smart contracts to interact with digital identities. Identities can control other identities, which enables flexible modeling.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
Unlock the power of a truly green and sustainable future with the IOTA Digital Product Passport - the future of product data management
Understanding the Digital Product Passport by #IOTA Foundation

Introducing the Digital Product Passport (DPP)
* A secure, shareable, and accessible digital passport for every consumer product
* The passport contains information about the product's life cycle, including origin, production, delivery, use, end, and recycling
* The data helps reassure consumers of the product's origin and confirms its green credentials
* @iota is working towards implementing the DPP with their distributed ledger technology (DLT)

The importance of the circular economy
Read 12 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Understanding IOTA - An Overview of the Business Ecosystem

IOTA Foundation builds open-source software to empower individuals to live freely and securely in the digital world.

Let's dive in👇🏼🧵 Image
The Foundation interacts with partners from academia, government, and businesses to achieve this goal.
Components of the Ecosystem
The @iota ecosystem comprises of several components that work together to achieve the goal of a new type of digital infrastructure.
Node Software
The Hornet and Bee node software manages the ledger state of #IOTA, making up the network.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 28th 2023
🚨News Alert🧵

1/ El británico Wybbo Wirsma, fue condenado a 4 años y medio de cárcel por robar 2,5 millones de dólares en #IOTAs
Wybbo Wiersma, un holandés de 40 años residente en Oxford (Inglaterra) ⬇️…
2/ había estado siendo investigado por las autoridades del Reino Unido y Holanda con cooperación de algunos miembros de la Fundación @iota después de que se incautaran de ordenadores, drogas y dinero en efectivo en su casa de Oxford en 2019, tras una investigación policial
3/Wiersma había creado un sitio web con un nombre falso en el que generaba un código de 81 caracteres que utilizaba para robar tokens #IOTA a usuarios de todo el mundo.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
(1/x) In 2023 @Schpoopel @bandalof17 and I will start sharing a bit more about what we're doing at #touchpoint.

But before we do, let's take a quick look at 2022 and what we learned in year 1 of Touchpoint 🧵

#shimmer #iota
(2/x) First off, Touchpoint 101:

Touchpoint is a network and community of #builders operating at the forefront of #web3. It's a decentralised support system and environment to network and build relationships.
(3/x) Touchpoint 2022 in numbers

With hardly any promotion, we received 200+ applications, onboarded 50 projects, and 15 expert groups and mentors.

We facilitated over 250 new relationships/connections, and hosted 15 knowledge sharing sessions and demos.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
I've been asked a lot lately why @Nakama_Labs are focused on building and investing on #Shimmer #IOTA. I figured I'd respond in this tweet 🧵👇

#web3 #DeFi #GameFi #NFT
1/ For starters, there are no layer 1 transaction fees for either minting or moving assets/NFTs. This makes it more accessible and cost-effective for creators and users.
2/ ShimmerEVM uses a random order consensus to confirm transactions, which prevents sandwich/front/back running MEV attacks on Dexes. This ensures a more secure and fair trading environment.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
#Iota 2.0 won't be the same project we know from back in the day.

Why? Because there has been lots of improvement within its ecosystem: decentralization, security, and scalability.

The Ultimate Guide to Iota ecosystem 🧵

#Iota #Shimmer
What I'll be covering:

• What is IOTA?
• How it works
• Dex, swaps building in the ecosystem
• Ecosystem updates
Before we dive in..

What is IOTA?

IOTA is the first distributed ledger built for the “Internet of Everything” - a network for exchanging value and data between humans and machines.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
Finally, @hus_qy joined the @MoonacoPodcast! 🎉

I summarized the 70 min interview for you.

What is crucial for the success of #IOTA?
When to expect a Coordicide-MVP?

(1/17) 🧵👇
Before joining the IOTA Foundation (IF), Hans ran an online business, which accepted crypto as payments.

In 2017, Bitcoin became popular and its transaction fees rose. So, it did not make sense to accept BTC payments anymore.

Looking for alternatives, Hans discovered IOTA. He talked to CfB. Hans was impressed by the underlying idea of the protocol. So, he became part of the community.

In 2018, Hans joined the IF to fix the existing tech problems.

Read 17 tweets

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